15mm Fantasy heaven with some Dark Elves

I openly admit to having a very large soft spot for;

Add all three together and you have these beauties. I liked them so much I avoided the traditional ‘dark’ elf colour schemes and went for a more of ethereal, fallen high elf idea.

The infantry are from Ral Partha’s Blighthaven Skirmishing packs – which are perfect. I have all the released ones so far. No duplicates, decent balance of types and excellent miniatures. I expect a set of rules in the offing at some point to support and boost the concept. I’d buy it.

Ral Partha Europe Demonwork 15mm Dark Elves

15mm Automated baddies

Everyone needs some mindless yet lethal robot-types to face up to. These guys from 15mm.co.uk are clearly that. I’ve had some for a while and put off painting them because, well, they looked too much like skeletons for my tastes. Forget a cream coloured scheme for these or they might as well join the undead army.

15mm.co.uk Automated badness
15mm.co.uk Automated badness
15mm.co.uk terminator robots
…and face right! They’re all American!

Anyhow, I thought a blue metallic finish might combat this but the skulls were still too skull like. They needed more. So these baddies are now from the good old USofA. (Sorry cousins but the over-kill on some of the support weapons screamed American OTTness.)

15mm Sci Fi bonanza ommission. Jasmine Throne Foreign Battalions

Took too many shots at the same time and forgot to post these boys from Khurasan. They are from the Jasmine Throne Foreign Battalions range which is inspired – a host of assorted aliens joined together in a united cause. I’ve not gone down the uniform route with these so I can happily mix and match with other ragtag bounty crews and forces.

Compared to the Critical Mass alien crews they are pretty large – but then, they are all aliens, and who is to say what’s right and what’s wrong?

Khurasan Jasmine Throne Foreign Battalions
Jasmine Throne Foreign Battalions

Finally, the centaurs have arrived

As mentioned in a post sometime back, these centaurs have been sitting waiting for attention for quite some time. Finally I got round to painting them up for SoBH or larger affairs (copy of God of Battles from Foundry arrived this morning, currently half price).

They are a mix of Demonworld, Splintered Light and I think a couple of old Ral Partha. Whilst more “heroic” in scale, the Demonword ones hit the mark for me. I have duplicates if anyone wants to trade.


Pics for TMP question about Elk riding barbarians

I wish, I wish, I wish, Mark Copplestone would do more 15mm Fantasy. I’ve already posted some of his Barbarians on foot painted up. Here are a couple of mounted characters. The first not painted yet (or caught in a snow storm), but may help a TMP’er find a suitable mini for his project. The Bear rider is part of the same set.

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15mm sci fi Bonanza follow up

When I took a batch of shots for the Sci Fi Bonanza some simply did not come out well at all. Far too blurry. If anyone can point me in the right direction for setting up a Canon G2 Powershot for taking miniature photos I’d be grateful. Get a bit bored of tinkering with all the setting variables.

These are re-shots of some of the post apocalyptic warriors from Khurasan Miniatures. Great figures for their scale and full of character. Love’em.

Points for guessing the inspiration behind the centre figure’s t-shirt…
Khurasan Miniatures Post Apocalyse Road Warriors
Khurasan Miniatures Post Apocalyse Road Warriors

Khurasan Miniatures Post Apocalyse Road Warriors