Before anyone complains, I know – this band is a mash-up of a few periods and races. Trust me, I know; but I don’t care. My interpretation of a Dark Ages warrior band is simply that. Mine. And it benefits from lashings of fantasy, artistic license and buckets of personal preferences.
Gamer Confession*: Despite having a few hundred painted Dark Age and Early Medieval forces, and a host of unpainted of the same, I am waiting for a new order from Splintered Light Miniatures for more Vikings, sub-Romans and other friends. Does that make me bad? (David at SLM was having a 20% sale!)
* Gamer Confession is a new category I’m going to be adding occasionally. This represents the little miniature demon that haunts all wargamers/miniature painters/collectors. Basically the ‘shiny syndrome’. I’m doing this to remind myself when I’ve been bad and need to pull myself up for adding unnecessarily to the lead pile, extensive and growing project list or similar.
All of these miniatures would be equally happy (if they can be happy) in either a sci fi or post apocalyptic environment. The Mutant Super Soldiers in particular are A+ on all fronts – style, sculpting and character. The Forsaken (mutant scavenger low tech probably-cannibals-types) are an A- only becuase of their fragility.
In both cases I’ve tried to increase variety with various earthy skin tones. IMHO “must buys” for any 15mm gaming in these genres. Please forgive the tartan livery on the Super Soldiers – I started with some simple lines which weren’t working and ended up with Caledonian Brutes (or Bay City Roller’s fans gone bad). If Khurasan decided to extend the Super Soldier line with another pack or two (heavy weapons would be good and more assault-types) I’d be very happy!
Check Khurasan’s Mutants at the End of Time line (can’t link directly to them at the moment due to site being partly off at the moment).
I’ve said it before – I really really like PF sculpts and I’m gradually collecting them up. There is of course a difference between ‘buying’ them and ‘painting’ them (that ‘lead pile thing’).
A while back I bought in to some of Rebel Minis “Armies” of re-packaged Splintered Light miniatures (Set 1 and Set 2). Clearly, not an army in the traditional sense but certainly a great way to get your hands on virtually all manner of ‘human’ type adventurers you could shake a stick at.
A good while back I picked up some of Reaper’s Bones plastic miniatures – mainly because I was curious as to how good they were for the price. And how they painted up. Below is a Beholder, 28mm. But for me, he’s a proper size 15mm kick-ass monster (forgive the blurry photo).
This one’s for PF! The fine (quite literally) sculptor behind these guys and some of my other favourite 15mm miniatures. The first shot was of 3 testers I did before the hole gang but I didn’t get round to posting it before finishing the rest off. So they follow.
Miniature figure collector and painter (in that order) and solo wargamer whose opponent has lost his gaming mojo
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