New recruits: Judges

These sculpts may be old. They could be sexier. But I still like them. And if you are looking for elite law enforcers you can’t go too wrong with these guys.

I owned a squad of these way back when they were ‘new’. They were lost to time. I ordered up these new fellas to go with some I painted last year – I had no Law Masters and was missing this particular sculpt for a Judge so wanted to ‘complete’ the force. Mega City One will be all the safer for it! Judges
Continue reading New recruits: Judges

New Terrain from Poland

I apologise in advance if this is a bit wordy, but a few caveats and background is required. Also sorry for both the number and the poor quality of the terrain photos!

Some caveats;

  1. I’m no terrain builder (a dabbler is perhaps the correct description)
  2. I’m in no way affiliated with the guy that made this stuff
  3. I like ‘flexible’ terrain that will work with my ‘flexible’ brain and ‘flexible’ tastes
  4. The photos below show the terrain in question PLUS bits of my own terrain
  5. IMPORTANT: I almost immediately repainted the terrain I bought soon after it arrived. There is nothing wrong with the colour it is produced in but “it ain’t my colour”. I’ve included an image of the terrain ‘as seen’ on eBay which is accurate as to what I received. I painted mine with 2 or 3 shades of sandy stone colour plus some green for underlying ‘vegetation growth’
  6. Again, sorry for the picture quality and hasty terrain set up. I was limited on time so rushed both the table set up, addition of other bits of terrain and grabbed random (almost) miniatures off the shelves to illustrate scale. (I so wish I hadn’t used that cardstock bridge!)

As will be the case with most of you – I have miniatures and terrain stuffed in to every cupboard, shelf, under-table, etc there is. Why do you need more? Well you don’t. The world won’t end without it but hey.

Point of this post? – I believe I found a great bargain that offers great terrain with lots of potential – and I wanted to share it with you. Continue reading New Terrain from Poland