15mm Infinity? Scifi robot sculpts by PF from CP Models

In a similar vein to my last post, these fellas are also by PF. Quite obvious by the detailing and style. They are from two different packs available from CP Models – SB1501 Assault bots (one of four shown, centre of first pic) and SB1502 Alien bot (one per pack – I bought two and with a bit of chopping got two pretty good poses).

If the colour scheme doesn’t give it away, I see them as a law enforcement trio, with the SB1501 being the lead officer (or should that be command droid?)
15mm assault bot and alien robot from CP Models15mm assault bot and alien bot from CP Models 15mm assault bot and alien robot from CP Models

15mm Infinity? Scifi sculpts by PF from CP Models and Brigade Models

PF (I don’t know if he’d want me to share his full name) is an extremely talented miniature sculptor from France who has done work for quite a range manufacturers. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’m a big fan. There is a lot to like about his style, both aesthetically and technically.

The left and right miniatures are from Brigade Models “Alien Bounty Hunters”  pack and the centre guy is from CP Models “Robots” pack.

I’ve still a lot of PF miniatures to paint up but here are links to a few already done.

I think you’ll agree that you can see a distinct theme in his style which is perfect for my vision of Space Opera or even Infinity in 15mm…

CP and Brigade Models 15mm Scifi by PF Brigade Models 15mm Scifi by PF Brigade Models 15mm Scifi by PF CP Models 15mm Scifi by PF

Flights of Fantasy: More Splintered Light Dungeon Adventurers

This is a further batch of adventurers from Splintered Light Miniatures – yes, there are even more to come. As I mentioned before, by buying in the the ‘Adventurer Army’ packs at Rebel Minis and SLM own packs and gladiator packs you can easily end up with an almost Reaper-Bones challenging selection of character models for traditional fantasy settings (see older post for links).

I think the pics speak for themselves. The first band of warrior types have been painted to represent an “Order of Goodness” (shiny armour and white trappings – how they keep them clean I’ve no idea). The second batch a mixture of wizardy-folk including the compulsory not-Gandalfs. 15mm goodness.

Splintered Light Dungeon Adventurers 15mm Splintered Light Dungeon Adventurers 15mm Splintered Light Dungeon Adventurers 15mm Splintered Light Dungeon Adventurers 15mm Splintered Light Dungeon Adventurers 15mm

Steampunk in 15mm: Rebel Minis’ Pulp Adventurers

I’m not 100% sure where the lines are drawn between Steampunk, Victorian Science Fiction, Pulp gaming or Science Fiction a la Firefly where the old (Western) meets future technology. And I don’t really care. Except it does mean labelling these miniatures is a bit difficult.

Labels aside, they are a fun group full of character. I’ve a modest queue of similarly themed miniatures which, if I were actively gaming, would all make an appearance in Pulp Alley, In Her Majesties Name, Rogue Planet or even a post-apocalyptic game such as Across the Death Earth.

Rebel Minis Steampunk Pulp 15mm Rebel Minis Steampunk Pulp 15mm Rebel Minis Steampunk Pulp 15mm

I really must get that field of depth on the photos sorted!

Gothic Horror quickie: Some Blue Moon vampire slayers

A small party of Vampire Hunters / Slayers from Blue Moon Manufacturing. A little on the tall side at 18mm but my scale-tolerance levels can see passed that. I’m not a heightist!

Always like a character model that can do double duty – aside from the obvious gothic horror these not-overly-period chaps could appear in ‘vanilla’ fantasy, pulp adventures or even post-apocalyptic scenarios at a pinch. Yeah!

They join this small crew painted a while back.

Blue Moon Vampire Hunters 15mm