A little while back I painted up some Rebel Miniatures Corporate Infantry which I was quite pleased with. Continuing the theme are these fellows from Ground Zero Games.
As anyone vaguely paying attention to my likes and dislikes, I’m a big fan of ‘character’ models so these miniatures fit the bill very nicely indeed. Continue reading GZG Corporate Japanese Reinforcements arrive. The beheading begins! →
Oddzial Osmy (Oddział Ósmy) produce this range of rather tasty 15mm modern/scifi vampires. I bought a bunch from Assault Publishing during a recent sale and must say I was rather pleased with the miniatures (they are as good in the flesh as they appear in the sales photos). Continue reading 15mm Blood-suckers from Poland →
I’ve dabbled with all popular scales. 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm, 28mm, 32mm. They all have there strengths and weaknesses of which I will not bother to go in to here – there’s plenty of debate on the forums to that effect.
When I threw myself into 15mm as my ‘scale of choice’ I sincerely felt if offered the best of all worlds. I was looking for a ‘single scale’ to do everything from mass battles to skirmishing. And it does – for a through and through gamer. But I’m coming to realise that’s not what I really am. I’m a dabbler. Something of a magpie without any clear plan or agenda. I approach a project with a gamer’s perspective but never really ever fulfil the end ‘gaming’ goal. It merely acts as a motivator rather than a target. Continue reading 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm, 28mm? Torn. And the Collector Syndrome →
I am a big fan of ‘re-purposing’ miniatures (as my Snotling army (aka 15mm Goblins with a sense of humour will testify)). It’s with this in mind that I peruse eBay and manufacturers sites. Looking in only the ’15mm’ category can be a bit limiting. Continue reading Nurgling Invasion: eBay can be your friend →
Last night my daughter (Alex, 14) came in to some ‘pocket money’ and started to talk about how she was going to dash out and spend it on some clothes she had been eyeing up. Being the diligent and responsible (ha!) father I started to talk about ‘saving’ and ‘did she really ‘need’ those clothes?’ Continue reading Gamer Confession: Burrows and Badgers; adding to the Lead Pile →
As the 15mm fantasy collection grows it occurred to me, for no other good reason than it would be fun, that I could proxy in some 15mm versions of the classic Talisman board game characters. I was about to paint a set of the originals so figured I’d be using the same colour palettes… Continue reading Talisman: In 15mm! →
Miniature figure collector and painter (in that order) and solo wargamer whose opponent has lost his gaming mojo