Scale Comparison: 10mm Ogres from Black Gate as 15mm Brutes

I’m sure everyone likes it when a hunch, a calculated guess or even a gut reaction, turns out to be what you had thought. Such is the case from the new 10mm Ogres from Black Gate Miniatures currently running on Kickstarter with only a few days left.

Anyone who have seen the 10mm Ogres from Games Workshop for Warmaster will see how these fellas would make for an excellent addition to such a force. However, that’s not my main interest. Mine is from the 15mm perspective. I’ve even posted regards said miniatures before and their suitability as ‘uglies’ or thug types in a 15mm environment (though at the time I did not make any scale comparison shots to prove the point, duh).

My gut told me these were the same. After sending a couple of question to Black Gate regards scale Barry offered to send me a few early test casts to prove/illustrate the usefulness of these particular models with other 15mm miniatures on the market today. They have arrived, and I can happily say that I WAS RIGHT! (That feels quite good).

As a small return for a few free minis, I thought I’d post a few comparative scale shots with other manufactures in the market so that you lot can see for yourself.

First off, the casts sent to me, by themselves, tacked to washers that I normally use on 15s so that their height is adjusted accordingly when next to others.

Black Gate 10mm Ogres 15mm scale comparison
Black Gate 10mm Ogres 15mm scale comparison – the Bare Naked 10mm Ogres

Secondly, next to a GW Warmaster ogre and troll for the 10mm gallery so you can see how they tie in with those miniatures. Continue reading Scale Comparison: 10mm Ogres from Black Gate as 15mm Brutes

Mini Update: Dragon encounter with an airbrush

I started painting this guy years ago. Stopped. Scratched my head about getting good blending on the wings. Shelved it. Came back to it and tried again. Not working. Then sometime back I went on a days airbrush course and took him with me and played around with that method.

I think the end results are okay. Very heavy on the contrasts and a lot more practice is needed. But he’s done. In a state that he is allowed on a table or display. Just took a long time. Now I just need to find the rider…

By the way, he’s a 15mm Demonworld High Elf Dragon – here is a link.

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha High Elf Dragonrider Fantasy Dragon painted 15mm Demonworld Ral Partha High Elf Dragonrider Fantasy Dragon painted Continue reading Mini Update: Dragon encounter with an airbrush

“I’m not dead” – Monty Python and the Black Plague.

It seems apt to follow on from my last post with this one, featuring character’s from one of the funniest, cleverest films of all time (in my humble opinion) – Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Whilst the film featured no zombies it doesn’t tax the imagination at all to see why Cool Mini or Not chose to include some of the characters from the classic in their Zombicide Black Plague character sets. Only disguised by ‘name’ there is nothing between the look of these and the Python team members. The only draw back is there are only six released – hopefully I could have ended that sentence with “so far” – no idea I’m afraid if there will be more.

Now these are not as ‘fine’ as the relatively recent arrivals on the miniature scene from Studio Miniatures (Medieval Mayhem) but as far as plastic board game miniatures are concerned they are rather very good indeed. There are some annoyingly positioned mold lines – straight through Sir Bedevere’s face spring to mind – but apart from that pretty good poses. Some painted up better than others but that’s down to yours truly and not the minis themselves.

Zombicide Black Plague Monty Python and the Holy Grail painted 28mm miniatures
Monty Python and the Black Plague.
Zombicide Black Plague Monty Python and the Holy Grail painted 28mm miniatures
Continue reading “I’m not dead” – Monty Python and the Black Plague.