15mm dwarves from Black Raven make a return 5 years on

You know the drill. You painted up a group of minis and get them table-ready as it were but, at the time of completion, couldn’t decide on a suitable ‘detail’, the omission of which does not make the minis ‘incomplete’. Such was the case with these guys which I posted about back in August 2013. As you can see from the post images I had left the shields a plain white which was fine and suited their regimental type of colour theme. However last year I came across an image online of a bunch of dwarfs boasting what looked like (to me) Byzantine inspired shield designs and I though they looked amazing. Time to finish them off! a mere 5 years later…

Of course I cannot find the image again for reference so you’ll need to take my word for it. That aside, with a bit of simplification to the patterns (these are 15mm after all, gimme a break) but being true to the colour palettes, I think they turned out pretty well.

15mm dwarves from Black Raven 15mm dwarves from Black Raven 15mm dwarves from Black Raven

Mini Update: Dark Demon faces up to Conan

He was one of those minis that I picked up to paint individually whilst working on some bigger groups to relieve the monotony. There are a few excellent painted examples of this Dark Demon to see online but a few of (the awesome ones included) were way too heavy on the highlighting on the skin for my taste. I tried for a bit of a more muted (realistic?) approach. Great muti-purpose beastie.

Dark Demon from Conan Board Game by Monolith Dark Demon from Conan Board Game by Monolith Dark Demon from Conan Board Game by MonolithHappy painting.

Tribute or Rip Off? Zombicide Black Plague Survivors painted up

Tribute or Rip Off? Well, I’ve no line on that really but I do like the frequent tongue-in-cheek (non-subtle) popular culture references that CMON play with when creating survivor characters for their Zombicide games. Zombicide Black Plague is no exception (I couldn’t wait to paint up the Monty Python chaps).

Last year I tackled a further batch of survivors. Still quite a few to go. A lot of competition for painting time going on though, especially with Conan in the pipeline which itself has been supplanted as the ‘focus’ by Mythic Battles Pantheon… Oh well. At least I curbed some build up of the plastic mountain by selling on Zombicide Black Plague Green Horde and Massive Darkness as soon as those KSs arrived. And then Rising Sun arrived. Oh dear.

In no particular order…

Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Lady Faye” – Snow White (Kirsten Stewart) from Snow White and The Huntsman
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Lady Faye” – Snow White (Kirsten Stewart) from Snow White and The Huntsman
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Hitch the Bard” – Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) from Labyrinth
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Hitch the Bard” – Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) from Labyrinth
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Piper the ‘Werewolf'” – Isabeau (Michelle Pfeffer) from Ladyhawke

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