15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Anyone that has dabbled in 15mm fantasy miniatures in recent years will be aware of the splendid barbarians produced by the excellent Mark Copplestone. Alongside the rather larger Demonworld range, these are easily amongst my favourite miniatures. Indeed, one of my earliest posts to this blog was  inspired by a round of painting some of these up.

Years later and I have gotten around to a couple of the other packs I picked up from Mr Copplestone when he was still selling these directly – the range is now available from Northstar.

Featured here are
FM01 – 15mm Barbarian Heroes
FM08 – 15mm Shapechangers and Cave Bears
As the sharper readers will have noticed there are no Cave Bears below. I painted them up previously and can be seen here. Pictures below are ‘alternatives’ for these shapechangers – the three larger ones are from Rebel Minis and the smaller one from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Little point of note – it has come to my attention that Angel Barracks who formerly produce some very fine 6mm stuff has turned his attention to 15mm Conan and has started to create an impressive range. Should that be your area of interest I suggest you pay him a visit. I will be at some point when painting queue permits. Crom’s Anvil.

Hope they provide a source of inspiration for your 15mm Conan gaming or Barbarian Hordes.

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Conan Barbarica Norse Warriors Continue reading 15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Mini Update: A Dwarf Crossbowman for Frostgrave – old or new?

Admittedly it was a while back that I was looking to take part in a Frostgrave tournament at my local club. Other things got in the way but I did begin the process of gathering a warband together for the purpose (half the fun really).

I decided I wanted a Crossbowman (Marksman) in the band. Whilst I had plenty of human types for this purpose I decided to make mine a dwarf – but which one? Rummage, rummage, rummage. I found a recent purchase from Hasslefree Miniatures which was perfect. But I also came across a couple of very old Citadel dwarfs from way back. The paint jobs were not terrible so I decided to touch them up a bit and give them a new opportunity to get on to the tabletop.

So, old or new? Citadel vs Hasslefree?

Old Hammer Games Workshop Citadel Dwarf Old Hammer Games Workshop Citadel Dwarf Old Hammer Games Workshop Citadel Dwarf Continue reading Mini Update: A Dwarf Crossbowman for Frostgrave – old or new?