All posts by Jimboba

Mythic Battles: Ares, Leonidas and the Greek Warriors

What a game, and what miniatures. Mythic Battles: Pantheon from Monolith Games.

I’m a sucker for a good Kickstarter and I got this game some years ago now (Raganarok has just landed also). I have completed the base game miniatures and a good few of the Kickstarter exclusives.

Continue reading Mythic Battles: Ares, Leonidas and the Greek Warriors

Mini Update: Commission Painting of Weird War 1 troopers and SOME aliens

A good while back I was asked to paint up some new releases for Four A Miniatures. Andrew released these aliens already but held off on those below until now – hence this post. So I thought I’d share my photos of them with you too.

The first batch are a small squad of Weird War 1 inspired Tommies which would go well in many a genre skirmish game.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

Next a couple of rather ‘unpleasant’ looking alien lifeforms/horror type creatures that could prove very useful in even more genres.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range
Continue reading Mini Update: Commission Painting of Weird War 1 troopers and SOME aliens

A New Post, A New Install, A Bunch of New Headaches

Yet another reinstalled version of the blog reflecting a change in web hosting. To say the transition was easy would be a lie. But I appear to have it down now though I am missing some later posts as my backup was a couple of years old.

This is how I feel after the faffing involved in restoring the site on to a new server from an out of date back up.

It may take me a while to reinstate some older posts that were not in the back up. Plus there will be a bunch of more recent stuff to add that has been finished during the 3 year hiatus of this blog.

Still Learning: A Few 28mm Rackham and Red Box Characters for the likes of Frostgrave

I was looking to try some more ‘challenging’ miniatures and pulled this trio off the painting queue to accommodate. Left and right are Cadwallon miniatures from the defunct Rackham Miniatures and in the middle a grumpy looking fighter type from Red Box Miniatures (Hefty Hamish).

Worms in Outer Space – Classic Worms from MJ Figures

Well these amusing little guys were purchased quite a long time ago now. And they were painted a long time ago too but I have only recently realised I never did take photos or blog about them. Maybe because I wasn’t sure what ‘genre’ they really matched nor how I was ever going to use them in a game setting.

Most of you will be familiar with the Worms video game. A classic in it’s day and I believe still going strong. Well MJ Figures took to the idea of producing a range of Worms loosely based on the franchise and appear to have run with the idea producing some cool, some silly, and some very tongue in cheek variants.

Worms 20mm from MJ Miniatures Sci Fi Fantasy Horror
All my worms together.

They appealed to my sense of humour so I picked up a few packs that contained enough types that I could possibly use in a Sci Fi or Post Apocalyptic setting. They are billed at 20mm but being what they are, could easily play alongside 15mm or 28mm.

Continue reading Worms in Outer Space – Classic Worms from MJ Figures