Category Archives: Conan

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Anyone that has dabbled in 15mm fantasy miniatures in recent years will be aware of the splendid barbarians produced by the excellent Mark Copplestone. Alongside the rather larger Demonworld range, these are easily amongst my favourite miniatures. Indeed, one of my earliest posts to this blog was  inspired by a round of painting some of these up.

Years later and I have gotten around to a couple of the other packs I picked up from Mr Copplestone when he was still selling these directly – the range is now available from Northstar.

Featured here are
FM01 – 15mm Barbarian Heroes
FM08 – 15mm Shapechangers and Cave Bears
As the sharper readers will have noticed there are no Cave Bears below. I painted them up previously and can be seen here. Pictures below are ‘alternatives’ for these shapechangers – the three larger ones are from Rebel Minis and the smaller one from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Little point of note – it has come to my attention that Angel Barracks who formerly produce some very fine 6mm stuff has turned his attention to 15mm Conan and has started to create an impressive range. Should that be your area of interest I suggest you pay him a visit. I will be at some point when painting queue permits. Crom’s Anvil.

Hope they provide a source of inspiration for your 15mm Conan gaming or Barbarian Hordes.

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Conan Barbarica Norse Warriors Continue reading 15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Rise of the Undead: Lord of the Rings Men of Dunharrow

Off the back of the Conan undead I painted up I decided to finally dust off these Men of Dunharrow – Army of the Dead – from Games Workshop’s LotR range. Added together with the Conan minis these make for a decent selection of Undead.

Clearly I chose not to go for the more ghost-like ethereal look normally associated with these miniatures and painted them to tie in with the Conan ones from the last post.

Men of Dunharrow Army of the Dead LotR Lord of the Rings Games Workshop Men of Dunharrow Army of the Dead LotR Lord of the Rings Games Workshop Men of Dunharrow Army of the Dead LotR Lord of the Rings Games Workshop Men of Dunharrow Army of the Dead LotR Lord of the Rings Games Workshop Men of Dunharrow Army of the Dead LotR Lord of the Rings Games Workshop


Rise of the Undead: Conan the Board Game

A while back I was dipping in to painting up some more of the fine miniatures from the Conan Board Game from Monolith/Mythic. I though I’d select some of the undead troops and characters in case they proved useful as double duty in some other skirmishy/warband game.

This first one is an odd sculpt and I’m not that keen on it but it does look a bit better once painted. Conan the Board Games Mythic Games Conan the Board Games Mythic Games Conan the Board Games Mythic Games Continue reading Rise of the Undead: Conan the Board Game

Bad Guys for Zombicide Black Plague: Warlocks, Abomination and Wolves

Recording progress on Zombicide Black Plague – I have been working through the mound of plastic that is Zombicide Black Plague. I’ve not photographed everything yet but the Base Set is completed as well as most of the stretch goal survivors and a few of the extra monsters.  One guest box done with a couple more still in the box. I sold on Wulfsberg so I don’t have the burden of that to paint! Which is just as well as I’ve also been painting up Mythic Battles: Pantheon (just completed the base set – photos to follow at some point). Work on Conan has stalled a bit as a result. And I nearly cried when Rising Sun arrived (miniatures look amazing). Green Horde was sold on immediately!

More over, my son and I have been playing the game! Several times now with varying degrees of success. Looks great with painted miniatures and the gameplay is simple and quick. Much less challenging that MB:P

Zombicide Black Plague CMON painted miniaturesZombicide Black Plague CMON painted miniaturesZombicide Black Plague CMON painted miniatures Continue reading Bad Guys for Zombicide Black Plague: Warlocks, Abomination and Wolves

Mini Update: Dark Demon faces up to Conan

He was one of those minis that I picked up to paint individually whilst working on some bigger groups to relieve the monotony. There are a few excellent painted examples of this Dark Demon to see online but a few of (the awesome ones included) were way too heavy on the highlighting on the skin for my taste. I tried for a bit of a more muted (realistic?) approach. Great muti-purpose beastie.

Dark Demon from Conan Board Game by Monolith Dark Demon from Conan Board Game by Monolith Dark Demon from Conan Board Game by MonolithHappy painting.

Tribute or Rip Off? Zombicide Black Plague Survivors painted up

Tribute or Rip Off? Well, I’ve no line on that really but I do like the frequent tongue-in-cheek (non-subtle) popular culture references that CMON play with when creating survivor characters for their Zombicide games. Zombicide Black Plague is no exception (I couldn’t wait to paint up the Monty Python chaps).

Last year I tackled a further batch of survivors. Still quite a few to go. A lot of competition for painting time going on though, especially with Conan in the pipeline which itself has been supplanted as the ‘focus’ by Mythic Battles Pantheon… Oh well. At least I curbed some build up of the plastic mountain by selling on Zombicide Black Plague Green Horde and Massive Darkness as soon as those KSs arrived. And then Rising Sun arrived. Oh dear.

In no particular order…

Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Lady Faye” – Snow White (Kirsten Stewart) from Snow White and The Huntsman
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Lady Faye” – Snow White (Kirsten Stewart) from Snow White and The Huntsman
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Hitch the Bard” – Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) from Labyrinth
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Hitch the Bard” – Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) from Labyrinth
Zombicide Black Plague Painted Miniatures Character Models
“Piper the ‘Werewolf'” – Isabeau (Michelle Pfeffer) from Ladyhawke

Continue reading Tribute or Rip Off? Zombicide Black Plague Survivors painted up