Category Archives: Epic 40k/Epic Armageddon

No!!! It’s going to be 6mm that kills me…

Long story short – long time ago when I gamed a lot (in Edinburgh at the time) we had loads of fun playing GW Epic 40k. I have loads of the stuff and a good friend at the time ‘gave up the hobby’ (longer story) and gifted me HIS Epic armies. Add to that some stuff picked up 2nd hand I’ve several armies and then some.

They all gathered dust until I started thinking more ‘sci fi’ (see post below). I Googled 6mm Sci Fi Skirmish games and saw that I was not the only nutter around. People do do it!

Why skirmish when you have half a dozen armies? Inclination mainly, plus you can have a skirmish that is tank/machine heavy rather than troop orientated. With 15mm I see 20-30 troops aside with maybe 2-4 vehicles. At 6mm, the number of troops remains the same but the ratio to vehicles can be happily tripled+ for a very different type of game. Plus table size limits allow for a grander setting AND ranges seem more realistic.

Anyway, maybe more on that later. Plus the re-spark of Necromunda-type games, this time in 15mm BUT using original terrain (i.e. your world just got a lot grander and bigger…)

If anyone ever did start reading this blog I have a dozen or so gaming-dilemmas kicking around at the moment I’d like to share and get some ‘gamer’ feedback on. Any volunteers?

6mm Epic 40k Squats
6mm Epic 40k Squats – initial test paints to see how much longer (or shorter) it was to prepare and paint a squad at 6mm.

6mm Epic 40k Imperial Army
6mm Epic 40k Imperial Army – touch-up repaints of kindly gifted Imperial Armour

6mm Epic 40k Imperial Army
6mm Epic 40k Imperial Army