Category Archives: Gaslands/Dark Future

From out of the Rad-Desert come the Sahadeen: 15mm from Rebel Minis

Continuing with the re-balance of fantasy vs sci-fi on this blog I present to you some Rebel Minis “Sahadeen” forces. It will come as no surprise that the desert style troops would also happily fit in to a barren post apocalyptic setting as well – it is not a coincidence.

2 squads of 8 should be plenty for the types of games I like.

Rebel Minis Sahadeen 15mm Sci-fi post apocalypse desert fightersRebel Minis Sahadeen 15mm Sci-fi post apocalypse desert fighters
And all together now…Rebel Minis Sahadeen 15mm Sci-fi post apocalypse desert fightersHappy gaming, be it post apoc, sci-fi or whatever takes your fancy.

For the Love of Sci-fi! I have not forgotten you…

Looking over my more recent past posts you would think that I’d lost my love of 15mm Sci-fi. Not true. But is has taken a bit of a back seat.

So more recently I dug out a bunch of post apocalyptic “ganger” figures with a view to preparing them for a Gaslands type thing (I say Gaslands as it seems to be the Mad Max offering all are going for at the moment though they could easily be used for any similar rules set). I’ve not got a copy of said rules yet but they do seem to be doing very well and stirring up interest in this genre once again. All good.

Anyway, as I looked at these I thought they’d do equally well as Reaver-types as well (see Firefly) hence I went with a more uniformed black colouring. I resisted covering them in blood and such at this stage so that they would be good for the likes of Gaslands too and I think they work out quite well.

Between the dozen, half are “Crazed Gangers” from Splintered Light Miniatures and the other half are “Post Apoc Gangers” from Rebel Miniatures (same sculptor?) but I can’ recall for sure as I did buy them a very long time ago and can’t see them on the site.
15mm Firefly Reavers Post Apocalypse Bad Guys Continue reading For the Love of Sci-fi! I have not forgotten you…