Category Archives: Necromunda

Pangalatic Legion has Landed: PF sculpts from Rebel Minis

Recent painting has primarily been focussed on fantasy and/or ploughing through several of the big miniature boardgames acquired via Kickstarter over the last few years. However my fondness for 15mm sci-fi remains as does my appreciation for the work of PF.

Several years ago I made it a bit of a mission to collect up 15mm sci-fi that PF has sculpted – no mean feat as he has worked for various manufacturers over the years in the US, UK and elsewhere. At  the time I managed to hunt down most of the available offerings but have not as yet managed to complete them all.

I did however, spurred on by a fellow 15mm sci-fi fan’s work on the 15mm Sci-Fi Gaming Facebook group, get around to painting these fine examples of PFs work. Amongst my favourites. (If you want to see other PF sculpts that I have painted search with the tag Sculptor PF Collection.)

They are the Pangalactic Legion available here from Rebel Minis in the US. A organised mercenary force made up of numerous (albeit all humanoid) aliens, bursting with fine detail, a lot of character and some great poses.

Painting-wise I was looking for a UN type of colour scheme but I’m not convinced that painting the guns white works or not – they look unfinished at a glance. Anyways.

First Squad

15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic Legion 15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic Legion 15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic LegionNote: One of the heavy weapons is an interloper from Rebel Minis ‘Scourge’ range – needed him to balance up the squad sizes and still avoid duplicates. Continue reading Pangalatic Legion has Landed: PF sculpts from Rebel Minis

For the Love of Sci-fi! I have not forgotten you…

Looking over my more recent past posts you would think that I’d lost my love of 15mm Sci-fi. Not true. But is has taken a bit of a back seat.

So more recently I dug out a bunch of post apocalyptic “ganger” figures with a view to preparing them for a Gaslands type thing (I say Gaslands as it seems to be the Mad Max offering all are going for at the moment though they could easily be used for any similar rules set). I’ve not got a copy of said rules yet but they do seem to be doing very well and stirring up interest in this genre once again. All good.

Anyway, as I looked at these I thought they’d do equally well as Reaver-types as well (see Firefly) hence I went with a more uniformed black colouring. I resisted covering them in blood and such at this stage so that they would be good for the likes of Gaslands too and I think they work out quite well.

Between the dozen, half are “Crazed Gangers” from Splintered Light Miniatures and the other half are “Post Apoc Gangers” from Rebel Miniatures (same sculptor?) but I can’ recall for sure as I did buy them a very long time ago and can’t see them on the site.
15mm Firefly Reavers Post Apocalypse Bad Guys Continue reading For the Love of Sci-fi! I have not forgotten you…

15mm Rebels, Post Apoc or Sci Fi Mercs from Oddzial Osmy

Well, I may be slow but I get there in the end. Last December (2015) I posted about some really really nice 15mm insurgent types I painted up from Oddzial Osmy (via Assault Publishing in my case). I’ve now got round to finishing the remainder from the ones that I bought (for some reason I didn’t go for the support weapons pack).

For info on the casting, detail etc, read the older post. These are the same – brimming with character and detail for 15mm. Totally sorted for a rag-tag band for Post Apocalypse, Sci Fi or even modern conflicts.

warchest_wargame_miniatures_IMG_1888 warchest_wargame_miniatures_IMG_1887 Continue reading 15mm Rebels, Post Apoc or Sci Fi Mercs from Oddzial Osmy

Life on the Fringe: SHM 15mm Sci Fi Characters

Always with an eye towards character driven skirmish games, I do like my little squads of personalities and these guys from are just that.

I’m not 100% sure where the bot on the right came from (, old Traveller, or elsewhere) but the other 4 are from the SHM Range at The noble idea is to give up-and-coming sculptors a commercial outlet for their work.  As you might expect then the sculpting is not the most ‘refined’ but there is certainly plenty of character and fun to be had with this range.

Of the many I have from the range, I selected a few that I thought would make an interesting ‘group’ for any of the dozen or so science fiction based skirmishing games out there – particularly suitable for Rogue Planet, a number of titles from Nordic Weasel or perhaps the upcoming Rogue Stars from Osprey but the awesome Andrea Sfiligoi of Ganesha Games. Have I played any? Nah, not yet – the proverbial non-Gaming Gamer Syndrome prevails. But I love the idea! SHM range 15mm sci fi characters for skirmish games
Baroka Crime Lord, Razak Bouncer, Gizbin Mercenary, Skorath Mercenary from SHM Range. Bot on the right? Can’t recall…

Continue reading Life on the Fringe: SHM 15mm Sci Fi Characters

Rather Special: 15mm Spec Ops from Oddział Ósmy

Back to some 15mm. And sci fi to boot.

I’ve already painted up some miniatures from Oddział Ósmy – namely some 15mm insurgents (sci fi modern) and some rather cool vampires, also modern/sci fi. All from a rather large order from Assault Publishing whilst taking advantage of an attractive special offer a while back.

Below are some of the Special Forces types. Main take-away points;

  • Brilliant sculpting and casting
  • Full of character
  • Scale on the ‘larger’ size but nothing drastic
  • ‘Largish heads’ to body size, but needed to squeeze in that extra character
  • Pewter of a ‘harder’ than normal quality making cleaning a bit more time consuming and blunt-inducing.

Oddział Ósmy Oddzial Osmy 15mm insurgents sci fi modern skirmish Oddział Ósmy Oddzial Osmy 15mm insurgents sci fi modern skirmish

Just finishing off a dozen more of the insurgents. Photos to follow soon.


Mini Update: Sci Fi tech from the 15mm Ion Age

Another “in-betweener”. I’d been painting mostly fantasy lately so I slotted in this fellow from the Ion Age range from GBS also of and other great miniature lines. Duxis Pilot, Male, with control unit and Angis Pistol.

A useful and generic enough miniature that could slot in to any sci fi environment. I didn’t paint up the Duxis Drone yet that he comes with as he’s stand-alone (IMHO). He’s related to these fellows who I’ve had for decades but are responsible for sparking off my more recent foray into 15mm Sci Fi over the last few years – so responsible for a lot of money and time and lead!