When I say “Halloween Special” I do think the Zombicide Abominalpha is pretty monstrous and suitably ‘horror’. Likewise the two pistol wielding miniatures look very ‘Van Helsing-like’ to justify the otherwise loose use of the Halloween phrase in the post title.
That aside, these are a ‘random’ collection of miniatures that I decided to paint up – random in the sense that over time there are certain miniatures in your collection that frequently pop in to your mind from time to time, almost asking “Why have you not painted me yet?” These are a few of the lucky few that I actually decided that they had been waiting long enough already.
First up, the Zombicide Abominalpha from Black Plague. In the first picture next to a standard size 28mm from Hasslefree Miniatures.
Admittedly it was a while back that I was looking to take part in a Frostgrave tournament at my local club. Other things got in the way but I did begin the process of gathering a warband together for the purpose (half the fun really).
I decided I wanted a Crossbowman (Marksman) in the band. Whilst I had plenty of human types for this purpose I decided to make mine a dwarf – but which one? Rummage, rummage, rummage. I found a recent purchase from Hasslefree Miniatures which was perfect. But I also came across a couple of very old Citadel dwarfs from way back. The paint jobs were not terrible so I decided to touch them up a bit and give them a new opportunity to get on to the tabletop.
Recording progress on Zombicide Black Plague – I have been working through the mound of plastic that is Zombicide Black Plague. I’ve not photographed everything yet but the Base Set is completed as well as most of the stretch goal survivors and a few of the extra monsters. One guest box done with a couple more still in the box. I sold on Wulfsberg so I don’t have the burden of that to paint! Which is just as well as I’ve also been painting up Mythic Battles: Pantheon (just completed the base set – photos to follow at some point). Work on Conan has stalled a bit as a result. And I nearly cried when Rising Sun arrived (miniatures look amazing). Green Horde was sold on immediately!
More over, my son and I have been playing the game! Several times now with varying degrees of success. Looks great with painted miniatures and the gameplay is simple and quick. Much less challenging that MB:P
Tribute or Rip Off? Well, I’ve no line on that really but I do like the frequent tongue-in-cheek (non-subtle) popular culture references that CMON play with when creating survivor characters for their Zombicide games. Zombicide Black Plague is no exception (I couldn’t wait to paint up the Monty Python chaps).
Last year I tackled a further batch of survivors. Still quite a few to go. A lot of competition for painting time going on though, especially with Conan in the pipeline which itself has been supplanted as the ‘focus’ by Mythic Battles Pantheon… Oh well. At least I curbed some build up of the plastic mountain by selling on Zombicide Black Plague Green Horde and Massive Darkness as soon as those KSs arrived. And then Rising Sun arrived. Oh dear.
I’ve enjoyed painting up quite a host of the ‘plastic playing pieces’ that I got with Zombicide Black Plague (see related posts). As I’ve mentioned on various posts the quality of the miniatures included with this type of board game has come on in leaps and bounds in the recent past and Conan the Board Game is no exception.
The KS pledge turned up last year but I’ve been a bit slower in tackling the miniatures (still working on the ZBP stuff too). But I thought I should at least paint up the main characters from the core box below. Far less cartoony than the ZBP counterparts, they will easily do double-duty in other Fantasy systems/settings.
Over the last few years the offerings from a range of creators such as CMoN and Monolith/Mythic to name a couple have spoilt the table top gamer for choice and quality. The range of the miniatures in some of these games are very impressive and the quality is only getting better (looking at you Mythic Battles and Joan of Arc).
I had already had a run at eating into the plastic pile that was Zombicide Black Plague with the core box characters and the whimsical troop of tribute-Knights. Last summer I attempted to dig further chunks out of the pile. This first offering are the player characters found in the Paul Bonner Special Guest box. It is the only guest box which appealed to me at the time of the Kickstarter offering loads of character and a few minis that would not be out of place in a good-olde-fantasy-bash.
Miniature figure collector and painter (in that order) and solo wargamer whose opponent has lost his gaming mojo
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