Category Archives: Gamer Confession

Gamer Confessions: Those bloody (Kickstarter) buses…

If you back a Kickstarter you hope its going to be fulfilled. Even better when it’s on time. But I wasn’t prepared for them all arriving at the same blinking time! I’m sure their creators have conspired to have delivery of pledges all to fall in the same space of a few weeks.

Here is the confession – what I’ve received in the course of the last few weeks, why I fell for it in the first place and what I thought of the goodies when they arrived.

Summary Verdict:
 High is good.
Guilt Burden: Low is good.

Zombicide: Black Plague
First off a real chunk of gaming-goodness arrived – Zombicide Black Plague in it’s entirety (Base game + expansion and add-ons). In short, nigh on two hundred 28mm miniatures (no, I’m not going to count them).
Summary Verdict: Awesome. I was hopeful for good quality (for plastic) miniatures and was suitably pleased. 9/10
Guilt Burden: Massively intimidating number of miniatures to paint – and that’s just the cool player characters and big monsters. 10/10

Dungeon Forge – In my pocket
At the price point, I couldn’t resist this neat little dungeon crawl set of terrain and miniatures from Spain. Very nice in the flesh. Scales great with 15mm. Already painting it up. Considering returning for more dungeon furnishings. Quite a lot of painting to get it game ready.
Summary Verdict: Awesome. Heroquest in miniature. 9/10
Guilt Burden: Quite a lot of painting to get it game ready, but nothing taxing. 6/10

Heroines in Sensible Shoes
Big fan or Oathsworn so had to jump on this one. Great character sculpts for any number of skirmish game systems. I did resist jumping on to the second Kickstarter more recently due to bouts of leadenitus (guilt derived from amassing too much lead miniatures).
Summary Verdict: Always great miniatures from Oathsworn. 10/10
Guilt Burden: Modest number of 12 miniatures – but they demand a ‘good’ paint job. 6/10 Continue reading Gamer Confessions: Those bloody (Kickstarter) buses…

Gamer Confessions: Please talk me out of it…

A post with out pictures!

Someone, anyone, please talk me out of pledging for Dark Souls currently on Kickstarter.

I do not need any more board games or miniatures.

I’ve got Conan and Black Plague still to arrive – so another big box of miniatures might actually kill me.

Yet I still need talked out of it. (Most readers of this blog will be well aware of the ‘shiny’ and ‘compulsive’ nature of this hobby of ours.)

Talk me out of it! There’s 10 days to go as I write this…

WIP for the New Year: The 28mm Bubble Bursts

I thought a little hobby update for the end of the year – which was a couple of days ago now.

The 28mm bubble has truly burst wide open. If I’m not careful I’ll inundate myself with so much new lead that I’ll be turned off the scale again!

In the last couple of months I’ve jumped on (belatedly) to another KS, made a couple of eBay ‘bargain’ buys and bought new stuff from retailers. Continue reading WIP for the New Year: The 28mm Bubble Bursts

More confessions

As agreed, Jo at Oathsworn got in touch regards their recent Kickstarter. As you may have read I recently invested in the full range of their earlier Kickstarter.

Well, despite the ‘gamer guilt’ of doing that and despite being torn with my commitment to 15mm, I managed to out do myself again. I must admit, I was more controlled with respect to how many of the current KS miniatures I bought – only 9 compared to the whole range last time. However, I did make the mistake of looking at even earlier Oathsworn KSs and foolishly asked the question regards availability of the older models. Jo is far too good at customer services!

Sadly not all 16 of the dwarves from this KS were in stock. I had to settle for 12. And of the halfling Kickstarter – I am only getting 8 from that particular KS.

It’s almost like a mental floodgate has opened now that I have decided that it is now okay for me to dabble once again in the 28mm scale. Continue reading More confessions

6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm, 28mm? Torn. And the Collector Syndrome

I’ve dabbled with all popular scales. 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm, 28mm, 32mm. They all have there strengths and weaknesses of which I will not bother to go in to here – there’s plenty of debate on the forums to that effect.

When I threw myself into 15mm as my ‘scale of choice’ I sincerely felt if offered the best of all worlds. I was looking for a ‘single scale’ to do everything from mass battles to skirmishing. And it does – for a through and through gamer. But I’m coming to realise that’s not what I really am. I’m a dabbler. Something of a magpie without any clear plan or agenda. I approach a project with a gamer’s perspective but never really ever fulfil the end ‘gaming’ goal. It merely acts as a motivator rather than a target. Continue reading 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm, 28mm? Torn. And the Collector Syndrome

Gamer Confession: Burrows and Badgers; adding to the Lead Pile

Last night my daughter (Alex, 14) came in to some ‘pocket money’ and started to talk about how she was going to dash out and spend it on some clothes she had been eyeing up. Being the diligent and responsible (ha!) father I started to talk about ‘saving’ and ‘did she really ‘need’ those clothes?’ Continue reading Gamer Confession: Burrows and Badgers; adding to the Lead Pile