Category Archives: Pulp Adventures

Mini Update: Commission Painting of Weird War 1 troopers and SOME aliens

A good while back I was asked to paint up some new releases for Four A Miniatures. Andrew released these aliens already but held off on those below until now – hence this post. So I thought I’d share my photos of them with you too.

The first batch are a small squad of Weird War 1 inspired Tommies which would go well in many a genre skirmish game.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

Next a couple of rather ‘unpleasant’ looking alien lifeforms/horror type creatures that could prove very useful in even more genres.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range
Continue reading Mini Update: Commission Painting of Weird War 1 troopers and SOME aliens

15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers

Sometimes a little change is as good as a rest they say. This medley of 15mm Fantasy are such – often ‘unconnected’ miniatures I pick up to paint between slightly larger tasks or projects.

As a result there is no theme here beyond ’15mm fantasy’ and having said that the Big Cats are clearly non-genre specific but the intent was as roaming creatures for 15mm Frostgrave.

A Demonworld Empire Battle Mage/Magician. Tried to make the staff glow. Hmmm. He’s painted up to accompany these guys.

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Fantasy Miniatures 15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Fantasy Miniatures Continue reading 15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers

15mm Star Trek Away Team: Happy 50th Anniversary!

Last September (2016) was the 50th anniversary of Star Trek.  I did paint these at that time in ‘tribute’ to the show and universe. I would add though, I’m not a Trekkie by any stretch of the imagination – I like it, but we never really gelled, unlike that other famous sci-fi franchise 😉

That aside, these “Space Explorers” were available from a small US business called AstroMiniatures which I believe have since stopped trading (boo!). No doubt some cease and desist order played a part in that. I’ve a few Klingon-types and Romulan-types still to paint and these are about half of the Federation-types I bought as I traded a handful with a fellow gamer sometime back.

I’m glad I did paint them up as they look better painted than in lead and I may never have bothered to put a brush on them had it not been for the anniversary.

At the same time I painted up the little u-haul six wheeler and trailer from GZG. Nice. Also pictures is a grav sled-thing from that was kicking around and seemed to fit for photo purposes.

15mm Star Trek Away Team 50th Anniversary Astro Miniatures 15mm Star Trek Away Team 50th Anniversary Astro Miniatures Continue reading 15mm Star Trek Away Team: Happy 50th Anniversary!

More Terrain Mat experiments, Prang and Desert Felt…eh?

Warning – image heavy post here. Illustrating a few things here (but kinda got snap-happy on this post to be honest).

In the pics below:

Terrain Mat (Flag Material)
Following the success of some Vinyl Terrain Mat printing via PixartPrinting, a subsequent sale came along for printed Flag Fabric. This made me think of what I’d read about Cigar Box cloth mats and some others that manufacturers were starting to produce.

Well, I had various art files floating around and thought I’d take a punt as it was only a few pounds to get these printed and shipped from Italy. The desert terrain mat in the pictures below are one of the ‘mats’.

Terrain mat flag material felt fields 15mm Prang vs Rogue Star Motley Crew of Spacefarers and TroublemakersI’ll maybe do a longer post about this in due course should I take pics of the other two “Flags” (one was Heroic Maps Frost Ruins and the other a larger town layout based of Dave Graffam art) but in brief, here are the conclusions;

  • cheap
  • light-weight, perhaps too light, but light enough that hills etc can be placed with some effect underneath
  • slightly transparent, which also means a loss in vibrancy of colour and saturation
  • as you can see from some of the closer images, there is a pattern to the fabric but to be honest, this is not really visible in situ and not really a deal breaker for me

Over all – a bit mixed. Not as overwhelming successful as the vinyl mats but certainly usable.

The Prang make an appearance
I had promised photos of these guys to Gavin at Age sometime ago. They’ve been done for a while but not photographed. These are not the ‘mini’ photos – they were handy while messing with the table – but they featured quite effectively I think in this desert environment. Proper pics to follow GBS, and Eli, promise. I think they turned out quite well. Continue reading More Terrain Mat experiments, Prang and Desert Felt…eh?

Men in Black meet Bond meet Zombicide meet Yakuza

I’d painted up these fine gentlemen from Rebel Minis a few months ago. What are they? Take your pick from;

  • Men-in-Black
  • Mr Smiths (the Matrix)
  • 70’s Gangsters (or Reservoir Dogs)
  • Yakuza
  • Government agents

Link to Rebel Minis site

15mm gangsters yakuza pulp modern men-in-black miniaturesIn other words, quite useful for any kind of sinister type in a modern period. Having said that, not entirely sure WHERE I was going to use them! (Fistful of Kung Fu in 15mm?) Continue reading Men in Black meet Bond meet Zombicide meet Yakuza

Gamer Confessions: Those bloody (Kickstarter) buses…

If you back a Kickstarter you hope its going to be fulfilled. Even better when it’s on time. But I wasn’t prepared for them all arriving at the same blinking time! I’m sure their creators have conspired to have delivery of pledges all to fall in the same space of a few weeks.

Here is the confession – what I’ve received in the course of the last few weeks, why I fell for it in the first place and what I thought of the goodies when they arrived.

Summary Verdict:
 High is good.
Guilt Burden: Low is good.

Zombicide: Black Plague
First off a real chunk of gaming-goodness arrived – Zombicide Black Plague in it’s entirety (Base game + expansion and add-ons). In short, nigh on two hundred 28mm miniatures (no, I’m not going to count them).
Summary Verdict: Awesome. I was hopeful for good quality (for plastic) miniatures and was suitably pleased. 9/10
Guilt Burden: Massively intimidating number of miniatures to paint – and that’s just the cool player characters and big monsters. 10/10

Dungeon Forge – In my pocket
At the price point, I couldn’t resist this neat little dungeon crawl set of terrain and miniatures from Spain. Very nice in the flesh. Scales great with 15mm. Already painting it up. Considering returning for more dungeon furnishings. Quite a lot of painting to get it game ready.
Summary Verdict: Awesome. Heroquest in miniature. 9/10
Guilt Burden: Quite a lot of painting to get it game ready, but nothing taxing. 6/10

Heroines in Sensible Shoes
Big fan or Oathsworn so had to jump on this one. Great character sculpts for any number of skirmish game systems. I did resist jumping on to the second Kickstarter more recently due to bouts of leadenitus (guilt derived from amassing too much lead miniatures).
Summary Verdict: Always great miniatures from Oathsworn. 10/10
Guilt Burden: Modest number of 12 miniatures – but they demand a ‘good’ paint job. 6/10 Continue reading Gamer Confessions: Those bloody (Kickstarter) buses…