Category Archives: Alternative Armies

The Gap Plug Project: Swelling Undead Archer Ranks

I’ve more recently gone back over my collection with a view to plug some gaps – that might be a troop type for an army or in this case, expanding upon existing units so that their numbers tie in with the likes of Dragon Rampant unit sizes.

So, some fairly generic Undead Archers. Mostly from Alternative Armies, a few Splintered Light or Khurasan and some from, I think, TSR Battle Systems.

Alternative Armies 15mm Fantasy Undead Archers Alternative Armies 15mm Fantasy Undead Archers Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: Swelling Undead Archer Ranks

Mini Update: Trio of 15mm sci-fi or post-apocalyptic

I gave up! I was trying to re-identify these miniatures, being sure they were from Khurasan Miniatures, but couldn’t find them on what can only be described as an archaic website. (Confirmed location and name thanks to 15mm Sci Fi Gaming group on Facebook – they are Khurasan, Brunt Herd Mercenaries found under the Cult of Andromeda.)

Anyway, these two Rhino ‘aliens/mutants’ would be great for any science fiction setting or a post-apocalyptic game. The accompanying human is a random chap I decided to paint up with the same colour palette at the same time. I think he is Alternative Armies/Laserburn… getting old. (Also confirmed, part of the Asgard range.)

15mm Sci-Fi Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci-Fi Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci-Fi Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Sci-Fi Khurasan Miniatures Continue reading Mini Update: Trio of 15mm sci-fi or post-apocalyptic

15mm High Elf Reinforcements arrive on the field

It had been on my mind for a while to get around to beefing up several of my existing forces for the likes of Dragon Rampant, HotT or possibly giving Kings of War a go in 15mm. Then the ever-charming John over at the Facebook Group 15mm Fantasy Gaming came up with the DR Painting challenge. I’ve already forgotten the terms of the challenge but it has spurred me on a little.

So first up, the High Elves. I was lacking both heavy cavalry and some bowmen. Still need to add more light cavalry at some point.

These Heavy Cavalry are from Alternative Armies (hi Gavin!).

Alternative Armies 15mm Elves Alternative Armies 15mm Elves Alternative Armies 15mm Elves Continue reading 15mm High Elf Reinforcements arrive on the field

A fantastical take on Faustus Furius chariot racing

Many moons ago I had the pleasure of joining Tim and a host of other gamers at the Falkirk District Wargames Club for what was a rip-roaring and hilariously fun game of Faustus Furius;

“Faustus Furius is a fast and furious, tongue in cheek table-top racing game based very loosely around the chariot races of the ancient world and adaptable to any racing situation.

Designed for 2-8 participants, it allows players to pit chariots from any culture or period against one another in a no-holds-barred race to fame and glory.”

Not too long after I decided to paint up a few fantasy based chariots that would compliment those I already had in various armies or collections. The aim was to have a enough races and types to provide for a large game. As I’ve not been able to make the club in a long time nothing has come of this as yet, but here in the wings are the competitors. All 15mm except the Snotling Pumpwagon which is scale neutral if you look at it the right way 😉

Option for the Orcs and Elves to run as teams could be an interesting play.  15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative ArmiesDemonworld Thain Chariot15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies 15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies 15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative ArmiesRal Partha High Elf Chariots (OOP I think)15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies Continue reading A fantastical take on Faustus Furius chariot racing

Mini Update: Overdue Prang Raiders from the Ion Age

[EDIT: Previous post title assigned the Prang’s availability to which has recently been reabsorbed into Alternative Armies. That aside, The Prang were moved from to the Ion Age site some time ago anyway, so I got it wrong on 2 counts 😉 – and the Overdue reference is to my painting promise, not the availability of the miniatures.]

Excuses aside, this year so far has not been so great for the blog but the painting and hobby continues in the background. I promised these pics to GBS sometime ago and they did make a guest appearance in an earlier post but I’ve only now got around to posting their own, more focussed entry.

The Prang themselves, sculpted by Eli Arndt of Loud Ninja Games, are full of character. They make an excellent basis for a skirmish-level game, bug hunt or larger scale battle.

Available here on Alternative Armies Ion Age site, the Raiders being part of a growing range of Prang. Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Continue reading Mini Update: Overdue Prang Raiders from the Ion Age

More Terrain Mat experiments, Prang and Desert Felt…eh?

Warning – image heavy post here. Illustrating a few things here (but kinda got snap-happy on this post to be honest).

In the pics below:

Terrain Mat (Flag Material)
Following the success of some Vinyl Terrain Mat printing via PixartPrinting, a subsequent sale came along for printed Flag Fabric. This made me think of what I’d read about Cigar Box cloth mats and some others that manufacturers were starting to produce.

Well, I had various art files floating around and thought I’d take a punt as it was only a few pounds to get these printed and shipped from Italy. The desert terrain mat in the pictures below are one of the ‘mats’.

Terrain mat flag material felt fields 15mm Prang vs Rogue Star Motley Crew of Spacefarers and TroublemakersI’ll maybe do a longer post about this in due course should I take pics of the other two “Flags” (one was Heroic Maps Frost Ruins and the other a larger town layout based of Dave Graffam art) but in brief, here are the conclusions;

  • cheap
  • light-weight, perhaps too light, but light enough that hills etc can be placed with some effect underneath
  • slightly transparent, which also means a loss in vibrancy of colour and saturation
  • as you can see from some of the closer images, there is a pattern to the fabric but to be honest, this is not really visible in situ and not really a deal breaker for me

Over all – a bit mixed. Not as overwhelming successful as the vinyl mats but certainly usable.

The Prang make an appearance
I had promised photos of these guys to Gavin at Age sometime ago. They’ve been done for a while but not photographed. These are not the ‘mini’ photos – they were handy while messing with the table – but they featured quite effectively I think in this desert environment. Proper pics to follow GBS, and Eli, promise. I think they turned out quite well. Continue reading More Terrain Mat experiments, Prang and Desert Felt…eh?