Category Archives: Battle Valor Games

I’m not looking for a fight!: 15mm NPC character minis from Battle Valor and Khadrin

A post with two purposes I guess. One a further nod to Battle Valor. Presented below is their human NPC character pack which, as you can see, has quite a good range of useful humans to populate your fantasy world.

Secondly was to highlight a new offering from Thierry Ponsenard (Khardin on the 15mm Fantasy Facebook page) who has produced his first two sets of 15mm fantasy miniatures – his new site and the miniatures can be found here – Khadrin’s Miniatures. He has basically got off his butt and done what so many of us would like to do ourselves. So kudos to him. My two sets arrived last week and they are very finely detailed and well cast minis.

The reason I mention BV and Khadrin together is obviously the NPC theme of non-combatants for your table. BV would appear to have human’s pretty well covered and now Khadrin adds colourful orcs and elves. He is currently mulling over “what next” so I thought the pics of the painted BV humans might be helpful.

First off, the Battle Valour minis;

Battle Valor 15mm Fantasy Battle Valor 15mm FantasyBattle Valor 15mm FantasyBattle Valor 15mm Fantasy Battle Valor 15mm Fantasy Continue reading I’m not looking for a fight!: 15mm NPC character minis from Battle Valor and Khadrin

Mini Update: A long overdue nod to Battle Valor Games

A very fine 15mm fantasy manufacturer that has not made an appearance on this blog as yet is Battle Valor Games. This is no reflection on Battle Valor’s offerings themselves but on my tardiness to get around to painting up some of the miniatures I ordered from them quite some time ago (that was long before they got a UK distributor Dragon Frog Games which will help with excessive import duties and fees!). I hasten to add, gaming buddy Sam set up his own online shop specialising in ’15mm for the skirmish-orientated’ which has pulled together some great offerings from across the 15mm market under one roof – including Battle Valor Games miniatures. Check his shop here  – 15mm Skirmish Supplies.

As an enterprise BV is a relative new comer to the market but they (when I say they, I mean Ed) have made quite a prolific splash already. Amongst the several ‘units’ that I acquired were also a few ‘Personality’ packs which offer quite an interesting and varied mix of character types very suitable for the ‘skirmish-orientated’. The three fellows below are from the Orcian Personality Pack (mini on the left – I am sure there is a logical reason for his inclusion alongside the expected orc warriors and shamans) and the Frigian Personality Pack (centre and right minis). Together they make a fine themed trio of brigand/pirate/thief types.

Battle Valor 15mm Fantasy Battle Valor 15mm Fantasy

More posts on more completed Battle Valor Games miniatures in the near future.