Category Archives: Clan Wars/AEG Miniatures

Mini Update: Clan War Samurai reignited painting hobby

I can attribute my more recent return (in earnest) to painting miniatures to these two models. Along with a few others (cough!) they languished for quite some time with a bare undercoat. A few years ago I picked them up and decided to give them a go.

Whilst I did not ‘finish’ them at the time, they did spark off a proper return to miniature painting for me. New paints and brushes were purchased and a renewed interest in the hobby followed.

It was only a couple of months ago that I picked them up again with the intention of completing them. Done.

Clan Wars AEG Minitures 28mm Samurai Oriental FantasyClan Wars AEG Minitures 28mm Samurai Oriental Fantasy

I’m not sure if this guys face is meant to be a mask or not – someone who knows far more about Samurai armour will tell me if I’m wrong having painted it as an ‘ugly, angry’ face. Continue reading Mini Update: Clan War Samurai reignited painting hobby