Category Archives: Copplestone Castings

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Anyone that has dabbled in 15mm fantasy miniatures in recent years will be aware of the splendid barbarians produced by the excellent Mark Copplestone. Alongside the rather larger Demonworld range, these are easily amongst my favourite miniatures. Indeed, one of my earliest posts to this blog was  inspired by a round of painting some of these up.

Years later and I have gotten around to a couple of the other packs I picked up from Mr Copplestone when he was still selling these directly – the range is now available from Northstar.

Featured here are
FM01 – 15mm Barbarian Heroes
FM08 – 15mm Shapechangers and Cave Bears
As the sharper readers will have noticed there are no Cave Bears below. I painted them up previously and can be seen here. Pictures below are ‘alternatives’ for these shapechangers – the three larger ones are from Rebel Minis and the smaller one from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Little point of note – it has come to my attention that Angel Barracks who formerly produce some very fine 6mm stuff has turned his attention to 15mm Conan and has started to create an impressive range. Should that be your area of interest I suggest you pay him a visit. I will be at some point when painting queue permits. Crom’s Anvil.

Hope they provide a source of inspiration for your 15mm Conan gaming or Barbarian Hordes.

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Conan Barbarica Norse Warriors Continue reading 15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

How Big is your God? Miniature scale in “Of Gods and Mortals”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So they say. Well, the same can be said for scale too! This post and these pics were in the pipe for attention later but I’ve jumped the queue because of a very related post regards scale regards Mortals, Legends and Gods in Andrea Sfiligoi‘s Of Gods and Mortals.

I’ve only played a couple of games so far – one defeat and one catastrophic stuffing – but remain undeterred as at least the first game was fun (the second lasted 10 minutes).

We chose to go down the 15mm route for mortals (no surprise there!). Plenty of choice for foot, chariot, cavalry and the like be they fantasy based or historical. This kind of means Legends could be anywhere from 15mm up to 28mm if you allow for a bit of literary/saga/legend/folklore license. Then Gods, in my minds eye, 28mm and upwards depending upon the God. The more impressive the better.

Not yet used in OGAM, I plan to make use of some of the minis obtained via the High Heavens board game I recently posted about. Various legends ‘off scale’ could include the 20mm Hercules from the Age of Mythology board game sprues of which I picked up a few years ago for useful legendary types from Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology (happily the same pantheons used in High Heavens).

A few relevant blog posts:

But here are the ‘Gods’ on active duty at the moment, although Orion has yet to take to the field.

Triad of GodsIf anyone can help identify the Thor (Frost Giant), I think from Reaper or Grenadier, would be interesting.

Of Gods and Mortals Thor Frost Giant Reaper Of Gods and Mortals Thor Frost Giant Reaper Continue reading How Big is your God? Miniature scale in “Of Gods and Mortals”

Scale Comparison: 10mm Ogres from Black Gate as 15mm Brutes

I’m sure everyone likes it when a hunch, a calculated guess or even a gut reaction, turns out to be what you had thought. Such is the case from the new 10mm Ogres from Black Gate Miniatures currently running on Kickstarter with only a few days left.

Anyone who have seen the 10mm Ogres from Games Workshop for Warmaster will see how these fellas would make for an excellent addition to such a force. However, that’s not my main interest. Mine is from the 15mm perspective. I’ve even posted regards said miniatures before and their suitability as ‘uglies’ or thug types in a 15mm environment (though at the time I did not make any scale comparison shots to prove the point, duh).

My gut told me these were the same. After sending a couple of question to Black Gate regards scale Barry offered to send me a few early test casts to prove/illustrate the usefulness of these particular models with other 15mm miniatures on the market today. They have arrived, and I can happily say that I WAS RIGHT! (That feels quite good).

As a small return for a few free minis, I thought I’d post a few comparative scale shots with other manufactures in the market so that you lot can see for yourself.

First off, the casts sent to me, by themselves, tacked to washers that I normally use on 15s so that their height is adjusted accordingly when next to others.

Black Gate 10mm Ogres 15mm scale comparison
Black Gate 10mm Ogres 15mm scale comparison – the Bare Naked 10mm Ogres

Secondly, next to a GW Warmaster ogre and troll for the 10mm gallery so you can see how they tie in with those miniatures. Continue reading Scale Comparison: 10mm Ogres from Black Gate as 15mm Brutes

Scale Adventures: Mix and Matching scales (again)

Never one to be happy being force fed ‘miniature lines’ and ‘must use’ scales or particular models, I do like to experiment a little.

For example, here we have some rather excellent 10mm Hobbits from Copplestone Castings. The detail and character captured at this scale is amazing.

10mm Copplestone Castings Halflings 10mm Copplestone Castings Halflings

Now, you’d think 10mm Hobbits next to other scales would be ridiculous. Hobbits are already tiny. Well, perspective is all in the eye of the beholder. Continue reading Scale Adventures: Mix and Matching scales (again)

Winter is Coming: Copplestone 15mm Snow Trolls

Winter is coming… or being the beginning of February you’d think it might be going. But not for these fellas from the huge talent of Mark Copplestone. He’s stuffed about as much character and coolness (pun intended) into these trolls as you can at this scale.

15mm Snow Trolls from Copplestone Castings. Frostgrave? Continue reading Winter is Coming: Copplestone 15mm Snow Trolls

In the Sandpit: Playing with scales and mini sources.

I was in one of those moods where I just fancied painting a few random miniatures and testers. I had a few barbarians to do – Copplestone, Splintered Light and TTG I think (the rubbish female – I wondered if paint would resurrect an otherwise underwhelming miniature – it didn’t).

Also pulled off the shelf were some ‘experiments’. A Reaper Bones warrior, a trio of Egyptian undead from the Age of Mythology board game and a demon from some other board game which I forget the name of at the moment (I don’t have that or AoM, figures bought as sprues). Also a repaint of a toy from my son’s more youthful days. I thought it would make an interesting creature. Remain a bit too cartoon like for my tastes though.. Continue reading In the Sandpit: Playing with scales and mini sources.