Category Archives: Sculptor PF Collection

Pangalatic Legion has Landed: PF sculpts from Rebel Minis

Recent painting has primarily been focussed on fantasy and/or ploughing through several of the big miniature boardgames acquired via Kickstarter over the last few years. However my fondness for 15mm sci-fi remains as does my appreciation for the work of PF.

Several years ago I made it a bit of a mission to collect up 15mm sci-fi that PF has sculpted – no mean feat as he has worked for various manufacturers over the years in the US, UK and elsewhere. At  the time I managed to hunt down most of the available offerings but have not as yet managed to complete them all.

I did however, spurred on by a fellow 15mm sci-fi fan’s work on the 15mm Sci-Fi Gaming Facebook group, get around to painting these fine examples of PFs work. Amongst my favourites. (If you want to see other PF sculpts that I have painted search with the tag Sculptor PF Collection.)

They are the Pangalactic Legion available here from Rebel Minis in the US. A organised mercenary force made up of numerous (albeit all humanoid) aliens, bursting with fine detail, a lot of character and some great poses.

Painting-wise I was looking for a UN type of colour scheme but I’m not convinced that painting the guns white works or not – they look unfinished at a glance. Anyways.

First Squad

15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic Legion 15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic Legion 15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic LegionNote: One of the heavy weapons is an interloper from Rebel Minis ‘Scourge’ range – needed him to balance up the squad sizes and still avoid duplicates. Continue reading Pangalatic Legion has Landed: PF sculpts from Rebel Minis

15mm Infinity? Scifi robot sculpts by PF from CP Models

In a similar vein to my last post, these fellas are also by PF. Quite obvious by the detailing and style. They are from two different packs available from CP Models – SB1501 Assault bots (one of four shown, centre of first pic) and SB1502 Alien bot (one per pack – I bought two and with a bit of chopping got two pretty good poses).

If the colour scheme doesn’t give it away, I see them as a law enforcement trio, with the SB1501 being the lead officer (or should that be command droid?)
15mm assault bot and alien robot from CP Models15mm assault bot and alien bot from CP Models 15mm assault bot and alien robot from CP Models

15mm Infinity? Scifi sculpts by PF from CP Models and Brigade Models

PF (I don’t know if he’d want me to share his full name) is an extremely talented miniature sculptor from France who has done work for quite a range manufacturers. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’m a big fan. There is a lot to like about his style, both aesthetically and technically.

The left and right miniatures are from Brigade Models “Alien Bounty Hunters”  pack and the centre guy is from CP Models “Robots” pack.

I’ve still a lot of PF miniatures to paint up but here are links to a few already done.

I think you’ll agree that you can see a distinct theme in his style which is perfect for my vision of Space Opera or even Infinity in 15mm…

CP and Brigade Models 15mm Scifi by PF Brigade Models 15mm Scifi by PF Brigade Models 15mm Scifi by PF CP Models 15mm Scifi by PF

Super detail paint challenge: Tom Meier’s Khurasan 15mm

Anyone with a passing interest in 15mm Sci Fi miniatures has come across Khurasan Miniatures and more specifically seen the absolutely amazing sculpts by Tom Meier.

I’ve had a go at painting some of these super fine, super detailed character miniatures before with moderate success. See here (Lara Croft lookalike Federal Xenobiologist) and here (bottom 2 images – Teacup Tornado and Villains of the Sepulvedan Control Forces (Jellina and Lily6) ). But these two below – Hero and Resistance Leader – are touted as a couple of the finest examples to be seen. I wish I knew who painted them. I’d pay quite a lot of money for a few lessons!

Absolutely amazing. Yes, and they are 15mm. And we’re not talking oversized 18mm either.

So it is no wonder that my copies sat under-coated for quite some time before I had the gall to try and even come close to the same result.

Well I didn’t. But it was fun. Next Khurasan order will include another set so that I can have another bash. But for your enjoyment, here are my efforts. Khurasan 15mm sci fi half life by Tom Meier
The Hero: I’m ‘okay’ with him. Nowhere near the painted Khurasan example but good for me. Continue reading Super detail paint challenge: Tom Meier’s Khurasan 15mm

15mm Critical Mass PF mercenaries – Captain Bytt’s Hired Guns

I’ve said it before – I really really like PF sculpts and I’m gradually collecting them up. There is of course a difference between ‘buying’ them and ‘painting’ them (that ‘lead pile thing’).

These guys – Captain Bytt’s Hired Guns – are from Critical Mass Games, fine purveyors of some of the best 15mm sci fi around. News on their homepage is promising to add more options to the small band of Astagar Fighters from previous posts. Cool.

Critical Mass mercenariesCritical Mass mercenaries