Category Archives: Wargame-Model-Mods

Shedding some light on your terrain (Spiral Out of Control part 2)

Not really a ‘new’ topic but my earlier post got a little out of hand so I thought I’d splinter this off on its own with a little more focus.

I mentioned the Wargame-Model-Mods Kickstarter that I modestly jumped on recently and thought that I should post a few photos of my purchases in ‘isolation’ of all the other clutter I have a tendency to flood a table with.

I’m sure the addition of ‘light’ to a game table will appeal to many especially anyone interested in Infinity or Sci Fi stuff. So here is my stash from the afore mentioned KS;

FYI, floor are titles from the Battle System Sci Fi terrain set.

Continue reading Shedding some light on your terrain (Spiral Out of Control part 2)