Category Archives: Wargames Foundry

Mini Update: Psycadelic Orc from Wargames Foundry

A visit to Nottingham back in 2016 involved a trip to both Games Workshop and Wargames Foundry. Due to my lack of investment in the current GW offerings (LotR aside) it was Foundry that got my money.

I picked up a few bits and bobs including this guy, part of what was a new range for them – Warmonger. This is one of the Ogre/Great Orc Character models – General Snartharang. Really big and really detailed. So when I was looking for a more challenging mini to paint I opted for him. I may have gone OTT on the colours but hey, orcs are allowed to enjoy fashion too!

Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc

No Half Measures: 28mm Haflings from Stonehaven

I’d been in the process of buying a few Oathsworn dwarfs and the odd halfling when I stumbled across this Kickstarter from Stonehaven Miniatures. Having a soft spot for vertically challenged fantasy races I jumped on board for the full pledge option.

They all arrived safely sometime ago and the miniatures live up to the promises. But, as all those suffering from leadpileanitus can vouch, it can take a while before those ‘planned projects’ see the light of day.

Such remains true for this halfling horde. However, I did take a brush to one of the rather ‘large’ stretch goals – the Treant. “This massive Old Growth Treant (Tree Troll) has been awakened…and he’s not a morning person! Model will measure 65mm to the eyes and will be cast in high-detail resin.” And it is large. The casting was pretty clean and he was good fun to paint. A few pics with some scale comparison shots.

Treant Ent Magical Living Tree Earth Elemental 28mm Stonehaven Mminiatures Fantasy Continue reading No Half Measures: 28mm Haflings from Stonehaven

Another Northern Wind: Rohan, Vikings and a very old Citadel miniature

I was struck again more recently with a similar wave of all things ‘Northern’ that struck me when I painted for and penned this earlier post. I can’t fully explain where the notion comes from exactly but on this occasion is was prompted by joining in a new SAGA campaign at the local club.

I didn’t ‘need’ any more troops per sae but is was an excuse to paint up some LotR minis I’d bought off eBay (dirt cheap), a random Wargames Foundry Viking (£1 at Claymore 2016) and a re-paint of one of my oldest miniatures from Citadel.

First up, mounted Theoden from Games Workshop’s Lord of the Rings range.

Games Workshop Lord of the Rings LotR Rohan Theoden Games Workshop Lord of the Rings LotR Rohan Theoden Games Workshop Lord of the Rings LotR Rohan Theoden Continue reading Another Northern Wind: Rohan, Vikings and a very old Citadel miniature

How Big is your God? Miniature scale in “Of Gods and Mortals”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So they say. Well, the same can be said for scale too! This post and these pics were in the pipe for attention later but I’ve jumped the queue because of a very related post regards scale regards Mortals, Legends and Gods in Andrea Sfiligoi‘s Of Gods and Mortals.

I’ve only played a couple of games so far – one defeat and one catastrophic stuffing – but remain undeterred as at least the first game was fun (the second lasted 10 minutes).

We chose to go down the 15mm route for mortals (no surprise there!). Plenty of choice for foot, chariot, cavalry and the like be they fantasy based or historical. This kind of means Legends could be anywhere from 15mm up to 28mm if you allow for a bit of literary/saga/legend/folklore license. Then Gods, in my minds eye, 28mm and upwards depending upon the God. The more impressive the better.

Not yet used in OGAM, I plan to make use of some of the minis obtained via the High Heavens board game I recently posted about. Various legends ‘off scale’ could include the 20mm Hercules from the Age of Mythology board game sprues of which I picked up a few years ago for useful legendary types from Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology (happily the same pantheons used in High Heavens).

A few relevant blog posts:

But here are the ‘Gods’ on active duty at the moment, although Orion has yet to take to the field.

Triad of GodsIf anyone can help identify the Thor (Frost Giant), I think from Reaper or Grenadier, would be interesting.

Of Gods and Mortals Thor Frost Giant Reaper Of Gods and Mortals Thor Frost Giant Reaper Continue reading How Big is your God? Miniature scale in “Of Gods and Mortals”

“I am the Lawww… Biggest!”: Judge Dredd in 15mm and 28mm

I’ve already amassed and painted a fair few law enforcers that would not look out of place in Mega City One – courtesy of (Laserburn range) – my previous efforts are here and here. Old figures but still great fun. I recently picked up a few sculpts at a bring and buy that I didn’t already have and got around to painting them up to join the rest of the Justice Department.

I had also picked up a few 2000AD minis from Wargames Foundry in a sale last year so thought I’d paint up the Judge Dredd I’d purchased at the same time as the 15mm guys as I’d be using the same colour palette.

Here they are, big and little together.

15mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 15mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 28mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish
28mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish Continue reading “I am the Lawww… Biggest!”: Judge Dredd in 15mm and 28mm

Slaine Face Off: Wargames Foundry vs Hasslefree Miniatures

A little while ago I posted about the huge scale discrepancy between a few “Slaine” inspired barbarian 28mm miniatures I picked up. You can read about it here if you like.

I got around to painting a couple of them. I’ve stayed pretty true to Slaine’s colouring and tartan/plaid garb.

Side by side – Wargames Foundry’s rather large ‘official’ Slaine miniature (AD5 Slaine the King). He’s heavy. On the right the rather more diminutive but perfectly sculpted and cast Hasslefree Miniatures ‘Volk the Bastard’ (HFH084).

28mm Wargames Foundry Slaine Fantasy Barbarian 28mm Hasslefree Miniatures Slaine Fantasy Barbarian

Volk –

28mm Hasslefree Miniatures Slaine Fantasy Barbarian

Continue reading Slaine Face Off: Wargames Foundry vs Hasslefree Miniatures