“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So they say. Well, the same can be said for scale too! This post and these pics were in the pipe for attention later but I’ve jumped the queue because of a very related post regards scale regards Mortals, Legends and Gods in Andrea Sfiligoi‘s Of Gods and Mortals.
I’ve only played a couple of games so far – one defeat and one catastrophic stuffing – but remain undeterred as at least the first game was fun (the second lasted 10 minutes).
We chose to go down the 15mm route for mortals (no surprise there!). Plenty of choice for foot, chariot, cavalry and the like be they fantasy based or historical. This kind of means Legends could be anywhere from 15mm up to 28mm if you allow for a bit of literary/saga/legend/folklore license. Then Gods, in my minds eye, 28mm and upwards depending upon the God. The more impressive the better.
Not yet used in OGAM, I plan to make use of some of the minis obtained via the High Heavens board game I recently posted about. Various legends ‘off scale’ could include the 20mm Hercules from the Age of Mythology board game sprues of which I picked up a few years ago for useful legendary types from Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology (happily the same pantheons used in High Heavens).
A few relevant blog posts:
But here are the ‘Gods’ on active duty at the moment, although Orion has yet to take to the field.
If anyone can help identify the Thor (Frost Giant), I think from Reaper or Grenadier, would be interesting.
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