Category Archives: Xyston Miniatures

Scale Comparison: 10mm Ogres from Black Gate as 15mm Brutes

I’m sure everyone likes it when a hunch, a calculated guess or even a gut reaction, turns out to be what you had thought. Such is the case from the new 10mm Ogres from Black Gate Miniatures currently running on Kickstarter with only a few days left.

Anyone who have seen the 10mm Ogres from Games Workshop for Warmaster will see how these fellas would make for an excellent addition to such a force. However, that’s not my main interest. Mine is from the 15mm perspective. I’ve even posted regards said miniatures before and their suitability as ‘uglies’ or thug types in a 15mm environment (though at the time I did not make any scale comparison shots to prove the point, duh).

My gut told me these were the same. After sending a couple of question to Black Gate regards scale Barry offered to send me a few early test casts to prove/illustrate the usefulness of these particular models with other 15mm miniatures on the market today. They have arrived, and I can happily say that I WAS RIGHT! (That feels quite good).

As a small return for a few free minis, I thought I’d post a few comparative scale shots with other manufactures in the market so that you lot can see for yourself.

First off, the casts sent to me, by themselves, tacked to washers that I normally use on 15s so that their height is adjusted accordingly when next to others.

Black Gate 10mm Ogres 15mm scale comparison
Black Gate 10mm Ogres 15mm scale comparison – the Bare Naked 10mm Ogres

Secondly, next to a GW Warmaster ogre and troll for the 10mm gallery so you can see how they tie in with those miniatures. Continue reading Scale Comparison: 10mm Ogres from Black Gate as 15mm Brutes

The Mortals: 15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks

Forever with a view for fun and colourful settings for a good skirmish game, here are the poor mortals that will inevitably meet their fate against the powers of the Gods or the brutality of legendary mythological beasts. The Greek warriors.

Anyone of a similar generation as I will have fond memories of films like Jason and the Argonauts (Harryhausen’s magic still has it’s charm today) with heroic battles against the likes of Medusa, Cyclops, harpies, Minotaur and skeletons to name but a few.

These chaps below are quite clearly sculpted and posed for ‘armies’. I only wish that more ‘heroic’ or ‘legendary’ style miniatures existed in 15mm for my purposes. Something like these, or these. Ditching 15mm for 28mm would remedy this. But I can’t. Not yet anyway.

As per usual – no idea which system I’m going to end up using (some day). Certainly give Of Gods and Mortals a go and face off against the numerous Norse options I have. But then there’s Open Combat, Song of Blades and Heroes, Pulp Alley and several other systems that would be good for a warband orientated game. And of course, I still await delivery of High Heavens Kickstarter game which will give numerous God options!

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

Continue reading The Mortals: 15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks

15mm Dark Ages. Arthurian Warrior Warband

Before anyone complains, I know – this band is a mash-up of a few periods and races. Trust me, I know; but I don’t care. My interpretation of a Dark Ages warrior band is simply that. Mine. And it benefits from lashings of fantasy, artistic license and buckets of personal preferences.

These are mostly Splintered Light Miniatures and Xyston Miniatures and at the moment represent a sub-Roman Arthurian band of warriors. Initially conceived for Songs of Blades and Heroes (specifically The Song of Arthur and Merlin) but with additions from my more ‘conventional’ 15mm hosts I could easily run forces for SAGA or either of the Dux rule sets. But that’s a different story.

Gamer Confession*: Despite having a few hundred painted Dark Age and Early Medieval forces, and a host of unpainted of the same, I am waiting for a new order from Splintered Light Miniatures for more Vikings, sub-Romans and other friends. Does that make me bad? (David at SLM was having a 20% sale!)

* Gamer Confession is a new category I’m going to be adding occasionally. This represents the little miniature demon that haunts all wargamers/miniature painters/collectors. Basically the ‘shiny syndrome’. I’m doing this to remind myself when I’ve been bad and need to pull myself up for adding unnecessarily to the lead pile, extensive and growing project list or similar.

15mm Splintered Light Dark Ages 15mm Splintered Light Dark Ages 15mm Splintered Light Dark Ages