Long story short – long time ago when I gamed a lot (in Edinburgh at the time) we had loads of fun playing GW Epic 40k. I have loads of the stuff and a good friend at the time ‘gave up the hobby’ (longer story) and gifted me HIS Epic armies. Add to that some stuff picked up 2nd hand I’ve several armies and then some.
They all gathered dust until I started thinking more ‘sci fi’ (see post below). I Googled 6mm Sci Fi Skirmish games and saw that I was not the only nutter around. People do do it!
Why skirmish when you have half a dozen armies? Inclination mainly, plus you can have a skirmish that is tank/machine heavy rather than troop orientated. With 15mm I see 20-30 troops aside with maybe 2-4 vehicles. At 6mm, the number of troops remains the same but the ratio to vehicles can be happily tripled+ for a very different type of game. Plus table size limits allow for a grander setting AND ranges seem more realistic.
Anyway, maybe more on that later. Plus the re-spark of Necromunda-type games, this time in 15mm BUT using original terrain (i.e. your world just got a lot grander and bigger…)
If anyone ever did start reading this blog I have a dozen or so gaming-dilemmas kicking around at the moment I’d like to share and get some ‘gamer’ feedback on. Any volunteers?
I’ve gone and bitten off far more than I can chew – again!
Innocently raking through some old miniatures I came across a bunch of these guys and thought, “Oh, I’ll paint these and see how they will look with this new metallic paint I have”. Before the paint has dried nearly £300 is winging it’s way to Khurasan Miniatures for several kilos of sci fi/apocalypse/ horror 15mm stuff.
Whilst waiting for the order to arrive far too much time was spent catching up on the sci fi scene, rules and digging out old terrain and buying or building some new stuff.
Despite having no immediate need for these on any of the projects I’m juggling (lots) I still felt the need to paint them up as they featured in a hoard ordered from Blue Moon.
The vampire himself if a bit rubbish I admit. Not a large amount of detail to play with.
Many moons ago I dabbled with Warmaster from the Evil Empire. Some of the miniatures were amazing but having already invested in 15mm Fantasy I wasn’t about to throw my lot in with buying 10mm armies.
However these guys, along with some trolls, grabbed my attention. Brilliant sculpts and full of character. Again, they sat under-coated white for many years. More recently I came across this paint job on Cool Mini or Not and was inspired. “Must paint” kept coming to me as I tried to get to sleep at night.
Although 10mm, next to 15mm they stand as a band of rather ugly human thugs. Which is what they will be in SOBH. That and a boarding party for my planned Fantastical Piratical project (converted Megablok Pirate Ships, etc).
These fellas have been sitting in my to-do-box for a very very long time. I can’t count the number of times I’ve said to myself, “You must paint these – they will look great”. Well, despite the huge pile of lead fighting for attention I finally did commit.
I really do need to brush up on my photography skills though. Clearly the field of depth is off (despite adding a bit of drama).
15mm Amazon Warriors from Armies of Arcana. Another warband painted up for the likes of SOBH skirmish games. These ladies are well sculpted and clean casting – no complaints there – but they do feel a little static on the pose front. If I had the ‘conversion’ bug I’d do something here. But I don’t.
Miniature figure collector and painter (in that order) and solo wargamer whose opponent has lost his gaming mojo
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