Anyone that’s visited here before will probably know of my fondness of the Demonworld range of 15mm fantasy miniatures available from Ral Partha Europe. Easily amongst the best available in this scale.
I also like barbarians so it wasn’t long before I had bulked my collection of Thain warriors a few years back when RPE started selling single sculpts (making the collecting of ‘unique singles’ far more viable).
If you were to dig around this blog you’d come across several post of previously painted Thain. These had been intended for skirmish type games so there was no real logic applied in respect to unit types although I did stylistically link them using an ochre base with a blue-based tartan in some cases. Despite the fact that I am not gaming so much nowadays, inspired in part by Facebook Dragon Rampant chatter, I decided to group the collection in to 12 strong units that could be used for DR. So the photo above shows this logic and 4 warrior units would be the result (and an archer unit still to be painted).
Here is how they panned out.
So, certainly a lot of gap plugging going on and out of it the core of a decent Dragon Rampant army. Search for Thain on here and you’ll see some other Demonworld Thain units that are completed – war beast, chariot, ballista and some boar mounted cavalry. 🙂 And I’ll be combining these guys with some Copplestone and some historicals already completed.
Here are a few shots of the newly finished lot all together. I’ll post an army pic once I get the archer unit done. Happy gaming!
Fantastic work….as usual. I think the DW elves that sneaked in blend in quite well. I noticed that I could not click on the pictures to make them larger. That feature still works on older posts.