Mini Update: Commission painting of 15mm Alien Away Team

I was recently asked by Andrew Coleman of Four A Miniatures to paint up some new 15mm Sci Fi additions to his range of miniatures.

He has now added some of them to his webshop so I can go ahead and make a wee post about those released.

Meet the “Grubs” sculpted by Adam Gayford. I think you’ll agree they make very characterful alien civilians or an away team. Great for any Sci Fi skirmishing.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

It with a bit of a heavy heart that I write this post. Some time ago I backed the High Heavens Kickstarter as the game appealed greatly with so many Gods battling it out. The KS delivered and the game was good and the miniatures ‘not bad’. As you’ll see from earlier posts that I’ve painted a few others previously.

This batch I painted last summer. And this is the sad part.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon arrived.

Okay, MB:P is just the Greek Pantheon (Norse coming soon). It also covers far more territory than just Gods. However, the contrast in miniature quality in every regard – sculpting, material quality and conceptually – is far far better than High Heavens.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon is a much more appealing painting project I am afraid. And as anyone that backed the KS will know – there is a lot to paint. So the rest of the High Heavens Gods may not get any attention for a very long time, if ever. (I’ve recently finished the Core box of Mythic Battles: Pantheon and will be posting pics soon).

So this may well be a swan song post for High Heavens. Adieu.

The Greek Pantheon: High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods Continue reading High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

Mini Update: A Cabal of Vampires from Splintered Light

These rather sinister fellows are small in number and intended as the core of a skirmish force for the likes of Frostgrave, Song of Blades and Heroes or similar skirmish level games. Obviously they can do double-duty as a general and heroes in an undead army.

They come from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Splintered Light Miniatures 15mm Vampire Splintered Light Miniatures 15mm Vampire Splintered Light Miniatures 15mm Vampire

Continue reading Mini Update: A Cabal of Vampires from Splintered Light

15mm High Elf Reinforcements arrive on the field

It had been on my mind for a while to get around to beefing up several of my existing forces for the likes of Dragon Rampant, HotT or possibly giving Kings of War a go in 15mm. Then the ever-charming John over at the Facebook Group 15mm Fantasy Gaming came up with the DR Painting challenge. I’ve already forgotten the terms of the challenge but it has spurred me on a little.

So first up, the High Elves. I was lacking both heavy cavalry and some bowmen. Still need to add more light cavalry at some point.

These Heavy Cavalry are from Alternative Armies (hi Gavin!).

Alternative Armies 15mm Elves Alternative Armies 15mm Elves Alternative Armies 15mm Elves Continue reading 15mm High Elf Reinforcements arrive on the field