Category Archives: Loud Ninja Games

Mini Update: Overdue Prang Raiders from the Ion Age

[EDIT: Previous post title assigned the Prang’s availability to which has recently been reabsorbed into Alternative Armies. That aside, The Prang were moved from to the Ion Age site some time ago anyway, so I got it wrong on 2 counts 😉 – and the Overdue reference is to my painting promise, not the availability of the miniatures.]

Excuses aside, this year so far has not been so great for the blog but the painting and hobby continues in the background. I promised these pics to GBS sometime ago and they did make a guest appearance in an earlier post but I’ve only now got around to posting their own, more focussed entry.

The Prang themselves, sculpted by Eli Arndt of Loud Ninja Games, are full of character. They make an excellent basis for a skirmish-level game, bug hunt or larger scale battle.

Available here on Alternative Armies Ion Age site, the Raiders being part of a growing range of Prang. Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Prang Raiders Alternative Armies Sci Fi Aliens Continue reading Mini Update: Overdue Prang Raiders from the Ion Age