Super detail paint challenge: Tom Meier’s Khurasan 15mm

Anyone with a passing interest in 15mm Sci Fi miniatures has come across Khurasan Miniatures and more specifically seen the absolutely amazing sculpts by Tom Meier.

I’ve had a go at painting some of these super fine, super detailed character miniatures before with moderate success. See here (Lara Croft lookalike Federal Xenobiologist) and here (bottom 2 images – Teacup Tornado and Villains of the Sepulvedan Control Forces (Jellina and Lily6) ). But these two below – Hero and Resistance Leader – are touted as a couple of the finest examples to be seen. I wish I knew who painted them. I’d pay quite a lot of money for a few lessons!

Absolutely amazing. Yes, and they are 15mm. And we’re not talking oversized 18mm either.

So it is no wonder that my copies sat under-coated for quite some time before I had the gall to try and even come close to the same result.

Well I didn’t. But it was fun. Next Khurasan order will include another set so that I can have another bash. But for your enjoyment, here are my efforts. Khurasan 15mm sci fi half life by Tom Meier
The Hero: I’m ‘okay’ with him. Nowhere near the painted Khurasan example but good for me. Continue reading Super detail paint challenge: Tom Meier’s Khurasan 15mm

The Mortals: 15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks

Forever with a view for fun and colourful settings for a good skirmish game, here are the poor mortals that will inevitably meet their fate against the powers of the Gods or the brutality of legendary mythological beasts. The Greek warriors.

Anyone of a similar generation as I will have fond memories of films like Jason and the Argonauts (Harryhausen’s magic still has it’s charm today) with heroic battles against the likes of Medusa, Cyclops, harpies, Minotaur and skeletons to name but a few.

These chaps below are quite clearly sculpted and posed for ‘armies’. I only wish that more ‘heroic’ or ‘legendary’ style miniatures existed in 15mm for my purposes. Something like these, or these. Ditching 15mm for 28mm would remedy this. But I can’t. Not yet anyway.

As per usual – no idea which system I’m going to end up using (some day). Certainly give Of Gods and Mortals a go and face off against the numerous Norse options I have. But then there’s Open Combat, Song of Blades and Heroes, Pulp Alley and several other systems that would be good for a warband orientated game. And of course, I still await delivery of High Heavens Kickstarter game which will give numerous God options!

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

Continue reading The Mortals: 15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks

First Impressions: 15mm 3D Printed Miniatures

The Lazy One’s 3D Printed 15mm Scif Fi Robots via Shapeways

Okay. I have my reservations on this one.

I’m always interested in new ways to do old things. 3d printing is one of those things that is becoming increasing accessible and affordable. Clearly to miniature collectors and gamers it’s a no-brainer that it could open up a world of possibilities.

I’ve occasionally perused the vaults of Shapeways and have been intrigued by the innovation of some folk. I had never really seen anything however that I was prepared to take a punt on until I came across these fellas. (This is the set I bought.)

3D Printed 15mm Sci Fi miniaturesMore of their history can be found here on Lead Adventures forums so I won’t go into that here.

My opinion after physically receiving a set of these guys? Continue reading First Impressions: 15mm 3D Printed Miniatures

15mm Space Marines

I’m at a loss to where to take these exactly. They are a few testers of a larger force. They ended up blue by default because I’d loaded an airbrush with blue for something else, had left over, and just sprayed them as they were near by. A ‘near-by spraying’?

As you can see, 3 of them are assault troops with shields and hand weapons. I can’t for the life of me decide what (if anything) I should paint on their shields or other markings for that matter. Mental block.

Any suggestions?

FYI. These are old miniatures no longer available for legal reasons (I believe). Once upon a time produced by The Scene. Their current range of ‘Wasteland’ warriors are echoes of some Space Ork sculpts also once available (and in my possession to be painted). 15mm 40k anyone?

IMG_571415mm Space Marines