Zombicide Black Plague – Base Game Characters painted up

I’ll admit this now – if you ask me for a game of Zombicide Black Plague and expect me to turn up with my set ‘completely painted’ I’m afraid you will be disappointed. Maybe in 2020.

I’ve a couple of sets of the ‘modern’ Zombicide and of those, one set is about 50% completed – bought 2013/14. I posted some pics in this post from last year.

As I said recently I remain well impressed by the quality of the miniatures that come with CMON games. Whilst some are slightly cartoony (which I don’t mind personally) the Black Plague miniatures would easily double-duty for other 28mm fantasy skirmish games. (Coming soon post – the Monty Python and the Holy Grail characters as the basis for a Frostgrave warband). Indeed, I was pleased to see on a recent visit to the Falkirk Wargames Club that both character and zombie models from Black Plague were being happily used for Frostgrave encounters.

Rambling aside, here are the based-set characters that come with Zombicide Black Plague. As you can probably see, I’ve just kept to the colour scheme from the game artwork so that they tie in with the character cards.

CMON Zombicide Black Plague character miniatures painted CMON Zombicide Black Plague character miniatures painted Continue reading Zombicide Black Plague – Base Game Characters painted up

15mm Rebels, Post Apoc or Sci Fi Mercs from Oddzial Osmy

Well, I may be slow but I get there in the end. Last December (2015) I posted about some really really nice 15mm insurgent types I painted up from Oddzial Osmy (via Assault Publishing in my case). I’ve now got round to finishing the remainder from the ones that I bought (for some reason I didn’t go for the support weapons pack).

For info on the casting, detail etc, read the older post. These are the same – brimming with character and detail for 15mm. Totally sorted for a rag-tag band for Post Apocalypse, Sci Fi or even modern conflicts.

warchest_wargame_miniatures_IMG_1888 warchest_wargame_miniatures_IMG_1887 Continue reading 15mm Rebels, Post Apoc or Sci Fi Mercs from Oddzial Osmy

Mini Update: Amphibian Multi-tasker from Splintered Light

Just a quick post to show this “20mm” frog warrior from Splintered Light Miniatures Woodland range. (Normal caveat applies regards “20mm” for these fellows as they work well as large creatures in 15mm and almost ‘life-size’ in 28mm).

He’s one of those ‘in-betweener’ paint jobs offering a break from large batch-painting. Plenty more Woodland goodness in the pipeline…

Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warrior Frog amphibian toad Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warrior Frog amphibian toad

Men in Black meet Bond meet Zombicide meet Yakuza

I’d painted up these fine gentlemen from Rebel Minis a few months ago. What are they? Take your pick from;

  • Men-in-Black
  • Mr Smiths (the Matrix)
  • 70’s Gangsters (or Reservoir Dogs)
  • Yakuza
  • Government agents

Link to Rebel Minis site

15mm gangsters yakuza pulp modern men-in-black miniaturesIn other words, quite useful for any kind of sinister type in a modern period. Having said that, not entirely sure WHERE I was going to use them! (Fistful of Kung Fu in 15mm?) Continue reading Men in Black meet Bond meet Zombicide meet Yakuza