I was looking to try some more ‘challenging’ miniatures and pulled this trio off the painting queue to accommodate. Left and right are Cadwallon miniatures from the defunct Rackham Miniatures and in the middle a grumpy looking fighter type from Red Box Miniatures (Hefty Hamish).
Category Archives: Song of Blades and Heroes
Mini Update: A couple of female Oathsworn Dwarfs for Fostgrave (or similar)
You may well know of my love of 15mm but I still love painting up 28mm too! Especially those from the superb Oathsworn. Recently this has been mostly in the form of their Burrows and Badgers range which is quite excellent. However some time back I managed to score what remained in stock (at the time) of their great Dwarven range (see how I’ve not mentioned the halflings and Sensible Shoes minis I’ve waiting patiently in the wings as well…). Sadly the dwarves are no longer available on their site.
The purchase included these two damsels who wouldn’t look out of place as part of a Frostgrave party. As with all Oathsworn minis, they are full of character and a pleasure to paint.
The Gap Plug Project: 20mm Woodland Warrior Mice from SLM
Way back I acquired a rather large haul Woodland Warriors from Splintered Light Miniatures in the US.
Many have been painted, but the vast majority remain unfinished. So as part of The Plug the Gap Project I decided to finish off some logical chunks that would at least allow for some ‘battle’ level units to be fielded. First up, the Mice.
A handful of these were done years ago – see this post – and just needed rebased. Now a total of 34 mice. The nasty vermin rats were done last year. Same post has some useful scale comparison shots for those intrigued. David at SLM now sells these as ’28mm’ as opposed to 18/20mm when I bought them. To be honest, they will work at any scale – just depends on what size your think these anthropomorphic creatures should be… personal choice.
Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: 20mm Woodland Warrior Mice from SLM
Halloween Special: A Medley of 28mm miniatures
When I say “Halloween Special” I do think the Zombicide Abominalpha is pretty monstrous and suitably ‘horror’. Likewise the two pistol wielding miniatures look very ‘Van Helsing-like’ to justify the otherwise loose use of the Halloween phrase in the post title.
That aside, these are a ‘random’ collection of miniatures that I decided to paint up – random in the sense that over time there are certain miniatures in your collection that frequently pop in to your mind from time to time, almost asking “Why have you not painted me yet?” These are a few of the lucky few that I actually decided that they had been waiting long enough already.
First up, the Zombicide Abominalpha from Black Plague. In the first picture next to a standard size 28mm from Hasslefree Miniatures.
Continue reading Halloween Special: A Medley of 28mm miniatures
The Gap Plug Project: Swelling Undead Archer Ranks
I’ve more recently gone back over my collection with a view to plug some gaps – that might be a troop type for an army or in this case, expanding upon existing units so that their numbers tie in with the likes of Dragon Rampant unit sizes.
So, some fairly generic Undead Archers. Mostly from Alternative Armies, a few Splintered Light or Khurasan and some from, I think, TSR Battle Systems.
Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: Swelling Undead Archer Ranks
15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers
Sometimes a little change is as good as a rest they say. This medley of 15mm Fantasy are such – often ‘unconnected’ miniatures I pick up to paint between slightly larger tasks or projects.
As a result there is no theme here beyond ’15mm fantasy’ and having said that the Big Cats are clearly non-genre specific but the intent was as roaming creatures for 15mm Frostgrave.
A Demonworld Empire Battle Mage/Magician. Tried to make the staff glow. Hmmm. He’s painted up to accompany these guys.
Continue reading 15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers