Category Archives: Mordheim

The Gap Plug Project: 20mm Woodland Warrior Mice from SLM

Way back I acquired a rather large haul Woodland Warriors from Splintered Light Miniatures in the US.

Many have been painted, but the vast majority remain unfinished. So as part of The Plug the Gap Project I decided to finish off some logical chunks that would at least allow for some ‘battle’ level units to be fielded. First up, the Mice.

A handful of these were done years ago – see this post – and just needed rebased. Now a total of 34 mice. The nasty vermin rats were done last year. Same post has some useful scale comparison shots for those intrigued. David at SLM now sells these as ’28mm’ as opposed to 18/20mm when I bought them. To be honest, they will work at any scale – just depends on what size your think these anthropomorphic creatures should be… personal choice.

Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: 20mm Woodland Warrior Mice from SLM

15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers

Sometimes a little change is as good as a rest they say. This medley of 15mm Fantasy are such – often ‘unconnected’ miniatures I pick up to paint between slightly larger tasks or projects.

As a result there is no theme here beyond ’15mm fantasy’ and having said that the Big Cats are clearly non-genre specific but the intent was as roaming creatures for 15mm Frostgrave.

A Demonworld Empire Battle Mage/Magician. Tried to make the staff glow. Hmmm. He’s painted up to accompany these guys.

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Fantasy Miniatures 15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Fantasy Miniatures Continue reading 15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers

Mini Update: A Dwarf Crossbowman for Frostgrave – old or new?

Admittedly it was a while back that I was looking to take part in a Frostgrave tournament at my local club. Other things got in the way but I did begin the process of gathering a warband together for the purpose (half the fun really).

I decided I wanted a Crossbowman (Marksman) in the band. Whilst I had plenty of human types for this purpose I decided to make mine a dwarf – but which one? Rummage, rummage, rummage. I found a recent purchase from Hasslefree Miniatures which was perfect. But I also came across a couple of very old Citadel dwarfs from way back. The paint jobs were not terrible so I decided to touch them up a bit and give them a new opportunity to get on to the tabletop.

So, old or new? Citadel vs Hasslefree?

Old Hammer Games Workshop Citadel Dwarf Old Hammer Games Workshop Citadel Dwarf Old Hammer Games Workshop Citadel Dwarf Continue reading Mini Update: A Dwarf Crossbowman for Frostgrave – old or new?

Mini Update: Psycadelic Orc from Wargames Foundry

A visit to Nottingham back in 2016 involved a trip to both Games Workshop and Wargames Foundry. Due to my lack of investment in the current GW offerings (LotR aside) it was Foundry that got my money.

I picked up a few bits and bobs including this guy, part of what was a new range for them – Warmonger. This is one of the Ogre/Great Orc Character models – General Snartharang. Really big and really detailed. So when I was looking for a more challenging mini to paint I opted for him. I may have gone OTT on the colours but hey, orcs are allowed to enjoy fashion too!

Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc Warmonger Wargames Foundry great orc

Coming in from the Cold with 15mm Green Skins from Demonworld

Most of you will have faced the same issue before now – a small handful of miniatures you’ve been meaning to paint for aaaaages but never picked them up for one reason or another.

Life has been a bit like that for me of late hence the prolonged hiatus from this blog. Coming back to it now marks checking off one of those many things that have fallen to the wayside – just like this little group of green skins.

One thing that hasn’t fallen by the wayside during this period is painting – and what I get out of it has been huge and rewarding. That also means, regards to this blog,  is that I have quite a back log of painted chaps to post and natter about. Not sure if I should post-date posts to fill in the break since May or just carry on?

Anyway, here are the little blighters from Demonworld (Ral Partha Europe). 15mm.
Demonworld 15mm Goblin

Demonworld 15mm Goblin
The little guy right of centre was a one-off Splintered Light goblin I picked up in a ‘Fantasy Gladiatorial’ set ages ago. Thought I’d get him sorted at the same time to avoid further orphaned miniatures.

Demonworld 15mm Goblin Demonworld 15mm Goblin Demonworld 15mm Goblin Demonworld 15mm Goblin Demonworld 15mm Goblin

Practical scenic backdrops for gaming table “Dead Zones”

Some of you may recall from an earlier post an early ‘test’ at creating a backdrop for one of my fantasy city terrain boards. Link to post.

Here is a pic.

Fantasy Town City Wargames terrain print your own battle maps
Started playing around with making a scenic backdrop. Getting there…

The effort composed simply of Photoshopping some matching Dave Graffam art with some perspective artwork found online in order to achieve a sense of continuation from the ‘playable’ board. As you can see from the photo this works quite well and deserved further exploration.

However, it did have one draw back – backdrop or not aside, when placing terrain against a ‘dead table end’ like this does create a lot of dead space around that set terrain (i.e. you have a full depth building jutting against a wall where only the frontage is going to be useful in game terms).

Model Railway enthusiasts conquered this issues aeons ago for the same reasons with ‘low relief’ terrain/models. In effect, cut the terrain in half.

So with that in mind, combining the previous efforts with Photoshop and slicing a number of pre-built Graffam models in half, I made a panel that both compliments the terrain on the board and still plays an active, yet less intrusive, part in the game space. Pretty pleased with the result.

Dave Graffam Paper Model Terrain Dave Graffam Paper Model Terrain Continue reading Practical scenic backdrops for gaming table “Dead Zones”