Category Archives: Of Gods and Mortals (OGAM)

The Gap Plug Project: Demonworld Thain Army almost completed

Anyone that’s visited here before will probably know of my fondness of the Demonworld range of 15mm fantasy miniatures available from Ral Partha Europe. Easily amongst the best available in this scale.

I also like barbarians so it wasn’t long before I had bulked my collection of Thain warriors a few years back when RPE started selling single sculpts (making the collecting of ‘unique singles’ far more viable).

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Europe RPE Barbarians Thain Dragon Rampant

If you were to dig around this blog you’d come across several post of previously painted Thain. These had been intended for skirmish type games so there was no real logic applied in respect to unit types although I did stylistically link them using an ochre base with a blue-based tartan in some cases. Despite the fact that I am not gaming so much nowadays, inspired in part by Facebook Dragon Rampant chatter, I decided to group the collection in to 12 strong units that could be used for DR. So the photo above shows this logic and 4 warrior units would be the result (and an archer unit still to be painted).

Here is how they panned out.

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Europe RPE Barbarians Thain Dragon Rampant
The Wolf/Beast unit – 7 miniatures above had already been painted that would form the theme for this unit.
15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Europe RPE Barbarians Thain Dragon Rampant
A few more additions to make the unit 12 strong.
Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: Demonworld Thain Army almost completed

Mini Update: Reinforcements for the Demonworld Barbarian Hordes

In the back ground I’ve been slowly working through my large stash of the brilliant Demonworld barbarians – the Warlords of Thain – available from Ral Partha Europe.  Easily among the best 15mm fantasy available today.

This is the ‘Eagle Arrow’ Ballista which should add a few options to a Dragon Rampant or any other army list.

Demonworld 15mm Warlords of Thain ‘Eagle Arrow’ Ballista.Demonword 15mm Warlords of Thain 'Eagle Arrow' Ballista Demonword 15mm Warlords of Thain 'Eagle Arrow' Ballista Continue reading Mini Update: Reinforcements for the Demonworld Barbarian Hordes

15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers

Sometimes a little change is as good as a rest they say. This medley of 15mm Fantasy are such – often ‘unconnected’ miniatures I pick up to paint between slightly larger tasks or projects.

As a result there is no theme here beyond ’15mm fantasy’ and having said that the Big Cats are clearly non-genre specific but the intent was as roaming creatures for 15mm Frostgrave.

A Demonworld Empire Battle Mage/Magician. Tried to make the staff glow. Hmmm. He’s painted up to accompany these guys.

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Fantasy Miniatures 15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Fantasy Miniatures Continue reading 15mm Fantasy – a Kaleidoscope of Unrelated Fillers

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Anyone that has dabbled in 15mm fantasy miniatures in recent years will be aware of the splendid barbarians produced by the excellent Mark Copplestone. Alongside the rather larger Demonworld range, these are easily amongst my favourite miniatures. Indeed, one of my earliest posts to this blog was  inspired by a round of painting some of these up.

Years later and I have gotten around to a couple of the other packs I picked up from Mr Copplestone when he was still selling these directly – the range is now available from Northstar.

Featured here are
FM01 – 15mm Barbarian Heroes
FM08 – 15mm Shapechangers and Cave Bears
As the sharper readers will have noticed there are no Cave Bears below. I painted them up previously and can be seen here. Pictures below are ‘alternatives’ for these shapechangers – the three larger ones are from Rebel Minis and the smaller one from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Little point of note – it has come to my attention that Angel Barracks who formerly produce some very fine 6mm stuff has turned his attention to 15mm Conan and has started to create an impressive range. Should that be your area of interest I suggest you pay him a visit. I will be at some point when painting queue permits. Crom’s Anvil.

Hope they provide a source of inspiration for your 15mm Conan gaming or Barbarian Hordes.

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Conan Barbarica Norse Warriors Continue reading 15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

It with a bit of a heavy heart that I write this post. Some time ago I backed the High Heavens Kickstarter as the game appealed greatly with so many Gods battling it out. The KS delivered and the game was good and the miniatures ‘not bad’. As you’ll see from earlier posts that I’ve painted a few others previously.

This batch I painted last summer. And this is the sad part.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon arrived.

Okay, MB:P is just the Greek Pantheon (Norse coming soon). It also covers far more territory than just Gods. However, the contrast in miniature quality in every regard – sculpting, material quality and conceptually – is far far better than High Heavens.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon is a much more appealing painting project I am afraid. And as anyone that backed the KS will know – there is a lot to paint. So the rest of the High Heavens Gods may not get any attention for a very long time, if ever. (I’ve recently finished the Core box of Mythic Battles: Pantheon and will be posting pics soon).

So this may well be a swan song post for High Heavens. Adieu.

The Greek Pantheon: High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods Continue reading High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

A fantastical take on Faustus Furius chariot racing

Many moons ago I had the pleasure of joining Tim and a host of other gamers at the Falkirk District Wargames Club for what was a rip-roaring and hilariously fun game of Faustus Furius;

“Faustus Furius is a fast and furious, tongue in cheek table-top racing game based very loosely around the chariot races of the ancient world and adaptable to any racing situation.

Designed for 2-8 participants, it allows players to pit chariots from any culture or period against one another in a no-holds-barred race to fame and glory.”

Not too long after I decided to paint up a few fantasy based chariots that would compliment those I already had in various armies or collections. The aim was to have a enough races and types to provide for a large game. As I’ve not been able to make the club in a long time nothing has come of this as yet, but here in the wings are the competitors. All 15mm except the Snotling Pumpwagon which is scale neutral if you look at it the right way 😉

Option for the Orcs and Elves to run as teams could be an interesting play.  15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative ArmiesDemonworld Thain Chariot15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies 15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies 15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative ArmiesRal Partha High Elf Chariots (OOP I think)15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies Continue reading A fantastical take on Faustus Furius chariot racing