High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

It with a bit of a heavy heart that I write this post. Some time ago I backed the High Heavens Kickstarter as the game appealed greatly with so many Gods battling it out. The KS delivered and the game was good and the miniatures ‘not bad’. As you’ll see from earlier posts that I’ve painted a few others previously.

This batch I painted last summer. And this is the sad part.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon arrived.

Okay, MB:P is just the Greek Pantheon (Norse coming soon). It also covers far more territory than just Gods. However, the contrast in miniature quality in every regard – sculpting, material quality and conceptually – is far far better than High Heavens.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon is a much more appealing painting project I am afraid. And as anyone that backed the KS will know – there is a lot to paint. So the rest of the High Heavens Gods may not get any attention for a very long time, if ever. (I’ve recently finished the Core box of Mythic Battles: Pantheon and will be posting pics soon).

So this may well be a swan song post for High Heavens. Adieu.

The Greek Pantheon: High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods
ZeusHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

AthenaHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

ArtemisHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

PoseidonHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

The Norse Pantheon:High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

IdunnHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

OdinHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

BaldrHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

VidarHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

The Egyptian Pantheon:High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

SekhmetHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

OsirisHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

AnubisHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods

IsisHigh Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm GodsAs a foot note – the game High Heavens is pretty good fun and my son and I played it quite a lot. However, Mythic Battles: Pantheon as a game is even better and easily the favourite board game in the house at the moment.

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