Must have chaps for a small but challenging skirmish force. I’m a sucker for tie-ins. Predator-like hunters from Khurasan Miniatures.
Category Archives: Post Apocalypse
15mm Automated baddies
Everyone needs some mindless yet lethal robot-types to face up to. These guys from are clearly that. I’ve had some for a while and put off painting them because, well, they looked too much like skeletons for my tastes. Forget a cream coloured scheme for these or they might as well join the undead army.
Anyhow, I thought a blue metallic finish might combat this but the skulls were still too skull like. They needed more. So these baddies are now from the good old USofA. (Sorry cousins but the over-kill on some of the support weapons screamed American OTTness.)
15mm sci fi Bonanza follow up
When I took a batch of shots for the Sci Fi Bonanza some simply did not come out well at all. Far too blurry. If anyone can point me in the right direction for setting up a Canon G2 Powershot for taking miniature photos I’d be grateful. Get a bit bored of tinkering with all the setting variables.
These are re-shots of some of the post apocalyptic warriors from Khurasan Miniatures. Great figures for their scale and full of character. Love’em.
15mm sci-fi bonanza. Assassins!!!
Love, love, these sculpts from Critical Mass Games. Assassins, mercs, marines, elites. These can be any of them. Liked the paint scheme on the CMG site enough that I pinched it.
15mm Sci-fi bonanza. GOTA Clan urban forces.
You’ll all think me a Khurasan fan-boy as here are some more. I am, but equally a fan-boy of many other creatives too. It’s just the way they’ve been picked up to paint. These are more military than the others. I’d read on a blog how tricky urban camouflage was to pull off at 15mm so had to have a bash. I’m very happy with the result. The first squad are identified by their ‘NATO’ helmets. The mech is a straight up BattleMech and the transport a repaint Hotwheels which I’ve seen many gamers use – because it’s really good!
15mm Sci-fi bonanza. Movie Stars.
As I said in an earlier post, I’ve been re-bitten by the sci-fi bug. And, despite having plenty of miniatures (and terrain) of a futuristic nature in 28mm (and 6mm) I decided to go down the 15mm path instead (part of my rationale justified this by the fact that I had ditched my 28mm fantasy for 15mm so why not sci-fi too). I also blame the likes of Khurasan Miniatures who seem to be at the forefront of a 15mm renaissance at the moment. For me, they do for sci-fi what Demonworld and Splintered Light does for fantasy in 15mm.
Anyway, in a bid to try and master miniature photography (failed) here is a series of posts of recent acquisitions and paint jobs. Curses on all the manufacturers represented here for producing such good stuff.
Mostly Khurasan here. The movie stars; a robotic cop, a red demonoid and an archaeologist dressed for the gym. The liquid robot is from