First lot of pics of my recent efforts of taking photos of miniatures. Despite researching this I still can’t get a decent field of depth.
As to the new Doctor. Out on a limb here – because I don’t know what folk are saying because of my hermit like existence – but IMHO – it’s rubbish! We are about 5 or 6 episodes in and there has been one ‘not bad’ episode. The rest range from pretty poor to rubbish.
Don’t get me wrong – I think Peter Capaldi makes a great Doctor (potentially anyway) but the story-lines and some of the writing are terrible. Some of the dialogue can be sharp but come on, the rest is pretty pants.
Anyway, 15mm Doctor Who and assistant here. Obviously my take on a ‘future’ Doctor with smoking jacket (how un-pc) and hat. He’s from Bluemoon Manufacturing’s range of Vampire Hunters. The assistant (we’ll call her Amy) is a not-Walking Dead survivor from Khurasan Miniatures. The Tardis is a thrown together papercraft thing (with caved in roof because the thing was so fiddly).
Well, if your gonna mess with the good Doctor, why not a new disguise for the Tardis. The privé disguise could work both ways – “No way am I going in there!” or “My God I’m bursting”.