Category Archives: 15mm

Still here. Just being negligent. Here is a big mean thing to revitalise things.

It’s been over a year since my last post and even then there had only been a handful in 2023. I do love this blog but my attention has been drawn to other matters in recent times. Will I rectify this? I hope so.

In the mean time here is a large Kraken from the boardgame Conan that I finished off a while ago. He has not made it to the table yet (haven’t been playing very much either) but I think he looks the part if a little risqué (I didn’t sculpt him so not my fault).

Conan the Boardgame Kraken Sea Monster

Mini Update: Commission Painting of Weird War 1 troopers and SOME aliens

A good while back I was asked to paint up some new releases for Four A Miniatures. Andrew released these aliens already but held off on those below until now – hence this post. So I thought I’d share my photos of them with you too.

The first batch are a small squad of Weird War 1 inspired Tommies which would go well in many a genre skirmish game.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range

Next a couple of rather ‘unpleasant’ looking alien lifeforms/horror type creatures that could prove very useful in even more genres.

Four A Miniatures 15mm sci fi range
Continue reading Mini Update: Commission Painting of Weird War 1 troopers and SOME aliens

Worms in Outer Space – Classic Worms from MJ Figures

Well these amusing little guys were purchased quite a long time ago now. And they were painted a long time ago too but I have only recently realised I never did take photos or blog about them. Maybe because I wasn’t sure what ‘genre’ they really matched nor how I was ever going to use them in a game setting.

Most of you will be familiar with the Worms video game. A classic in it’s day and I believe still going strong. Well MJ Figures took to the idea of producing a range of Worms loosely based on the franchise and appear to have run with the idea producing some cool, some silly, and some very tongue in cheek variants.

Worms 20mm from MJ Miniatures Sci Fi Fantasy Horror
All my worms together.

They appealed to my sense of humour so I picked up a few packs that contained enough types that I could possibly use in a Sci Fi or Post Apocalyptic setting. They are billed at 20mm but being what they are, could easily play alongside 15mm or 28mm.

Continue reading Worms in Outer Space – Classic Worms from MJ Figures

The Gap Plug Project: Demonworld Thain Army almost completed

Anyone that’s visited here before will probably know of my fondness of the Demonworld range of 15mm fantasy miniatures available from Ral Partha Europe. Easily amongst the best available in this scale.

I also like barbarians so it wasn’t long before I had bulked my collection of Thain warriors a few years back when RPE started selling single sculpts (making the collecting of ‘unique singles’ far more viable).

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Europe RPE Barbarians Thain Dragon Rampant

If you were to dig around this blog you’d come across several post of previously painted Thain. These had been intended for skirmish type games so there was no real logic applied in respect to unit types although I did stylistically link them using an ochre base with a blue-based tartan in some cases. Despite the fact that I am not gaming so much nowadays, inspired in part by Facebook Dragon Rampant chatter, I decided to group the collection in to 12 strong units that could be used for DR. So the photo above shows this logic and 4 warrior units would be the result (and an archer unit still to be painted).

Here is how they panned out.

15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Europe RPE Barbarians Thain Dragon Rampant
The Wolf/Beast unit – 7 miniatures above had already been painted that would form the theme for this unit.
15mm Demonworld Ral Partha Europe RPE Barbarians Thain Dragon Rampant
A few more additions to make the unit 12 strong.
Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: Demonworld Thain Army almost completed

The Gap Plug Project: 20mm Woodland Warrior Mice from SLM

Way back I acquired a rather large haul Woodland Warriors from Splintered Light Miniatures in the US.

Many have been painted, but the vast majority remain unfinished. So as part of The Plug the Gap Project I decided to finish off some logical chunks that would at least allow for some ‘battle’ level units to be fielded. First up, the Mice.

A handful of these were done years ago – see this post – and just needed rebased. Now a total of 34 mice. The nasty vermin rats were done last year. Same post has some useful scale comparison shots for those intrigued. David at SLM now sells these as ’28mm’ as opposed to 18/20mm when I bought them. To be honest, they will work at any scale – just depends on what size your think these anthropomorphic creatures should be… personal choice.

Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Splintered Light Miniatures 20mm Woodland Warriors Mice Continue reading The Gap Plug Project: 20mm Woodland Warrior Mice from SLM

Mini Update: Reinforcements for the Demonworld Barbarian Hordes

In the back ground I’ve been slowly working through my large stash of the brilliant Demonworld barbarians – the Warlords of Thain – available from Ral Partha Europe.  Easily among the best 15mm fantasy available today.

This is the ‘Eagle Arrow’ Ballista which should add a few options to a Dragon Rampant or any other army list.

Demonworld 15mm Warlords of Thain ‘Eagle Arrow’ Ballista.Demonword 15mm Warlords of Thain 'Eagle Arrow' Ballista Demonword 15mm Warlords of Thain 'Eagle Arrow' Ballista Continue reading Mini Update: Reinforcements for the Demonworld Barbarian Hordes