I can attribute my more recent return (in earnest) to painting miniatures to these two models. Along with a few others (cough!) they languished for quite some time with a bare undercoat. A few years ago I picked them up and decided to give them a go.
Whilst I did not ‘finish’ them at the time, they did spark off a proper return to miniature painting for me. New paints and brushes were purchased and a renewed interest in the hobby followed.
It was only a couple of months ago that I picked them up again with the intention of completing them. Done.
I’m not sure if this guys face is meant to be a mask or not – someone who knows far more about Samurai armour will tell me if I’m wrong having painted it as an ‘ugly, angry’ face.
Looking at the photo, I should have added a pattern to this guys under garment. Can revisit in another 5 years time…
I’ve many more Clan Wars miniatures to paint. Indeed I sold of quite a lot of naked lead a couple of years ago (I’d picked up quite a stash when the game was discontinued and my then FLG was selling off loads at ‘too good to miss’ prices). Amongst them I’ve looked out some rather nice oriental ‘wizard-types’ that I thought would make a good focus point for some Frostgrave bands. Maybe for 2017.