CP Models Big Eyed Aliens Doctor Who 28mm

Multi-Purpose Big Eyed Monsters from CP Models

Described by CP Models as Big Eyed Aliens – which they certainly are – but I’m sure I’ve seen their likes before but can’t quite put my finger on it…

Popular TV aside, these fellas were an impulse buy when shopping at CP Models a while back. I thought, “Okay, they’re 28mm but with monsters and aliens of this ilk, who’s to say they are out of scale with 15mm fellows?” At £6 for all four in the set, well… I couldn’t resist.

If you like painting flesh/skin tones then these are fun. I tried to give them unique head ‘patterns’ which works in the flesh but not so clear in the photos. One of the pics shows them with a Clear Horizon HADES team member. If I were him, I’d not be looking so cool. (More on those particular chaps soon.)

In the spirit of multi-functional, here we have scale-crossing plus genre-crossing goodness.

CP Models Big Eyed Aliens Doctor Who 28mm CP Models Big Eyed Aliens Doctor Who 28mm CP Models Big Eyed Aliens Doctor Who 28mm CP Models Big Eyed Aliens Doctor Who 28mm

7 thoughts on “Multi-Purpose Big Eyed Monsters from CP Models”

    1. Hi Stephanie. Just wanted to double check that you were aware that the HADES trooper was 15mm. The monsters are not small by 28mm but they’re not THAT big that they’d tower over a 28mm human!

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