I am a big fan of ‘re-purposing’ miniatures (as my Snotling army (aka 15mm Goblins with a sense of humour will testify)). It’s with this in mind that I peruse eBay and manufacturers sites. Looking in only the ’15mm’ category can be a bit limiting.
If you are a GW-stalwart you may have trouble disconnecting the origins of these miniatures from their originally intended ‘roles’. I however have no such qualms despite my knowledge of where these came from. These ‘charming’ Nurglings are fun and full of character and when I saw a bunch come up for auction I had to have them (£10 for 20+, some Snotlings and the Spider things). Due to their diminutive size in 28mm makes them perfect ‘almost human size, if vertically challenged’ for 15mm. What’s more, they are perfect for an alien race (little Jabba’s?) or a Gothic horror setting.
They were already painted to a tabletop standard but they needed a good freshen and clean up (ha!) and some detailing added.
Remove the blinkers.