Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse Survivors

Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents, Rebels or Post Apocalypse/Zombie Survivors

I recently posted about some blood sucking vampires from Poland. From the same stable come these rather brilliant 15mm Insurgents. Call them what you will, but for me they are some of those great multi-functional character models that will slot in to Post Apocalypse, Sci Fi or even modern conflicts in some cases.

Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse SurvivorsWhat you see below are about half the models I bought that span several packs. Again, bought from Assault Publishing during a recent sale they ran. Check this page – I basically bought one of everything.

The same caveat I posted about the vampires applies here too, so worth repeating in case you can’t be bothered to look at that post;

One important caveat – they are cast is a considerably harder metal than most of us would be used to and require quite a lot of grunt work to clean up – that is not to say they are flash-riddled – they are not at all, but what little there is is file territory (I even resorted to using a dremmel tool). Leave scalpel at the door.

Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse Survivors Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse Survivors

This pair are not Oddział Ósmy but Ground Zero Games. A fine fellow gamer/painter John Daley kindly sent them to me out of the blue. How nice is that! (Thanks again John if you read this.) It would have been rude not to paint them and they are that nice and a perfect fit with the OO theme they got a splash of paint at the same time.

Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse Survivors
Not Oddzial Osmy, but new sculpts from GZG


This pair ARE Oddział Ósmy but I missed them when taking pictures of the ones above. Oddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse SurvivorsOddzial Osmy 15mm Insurgents Rebels Post Apocalypse Survivors

If it wasn’t clear from my comments above – I think these are brilliant miniatures. Full of character and detail, extremely well sculpted and cast (even if some of the heads are a little large). A ‘must-buy’ for 15mm Sci-Fi/PA/Modern gamers or collectors.

And I’ll be picking up the full range of insurgents from GZG the next time I’m shopping there!

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