I thought this an appropriate post for the New Year on several levels.
I’d dug out a few miniatures from dusty boxes that might serve in games such as Song of Blades or Frostgrave. These two dwarfs were painted around 25 years ago and saw quite a bit of action in their day. I thought they surely deserved a new lease of life and at the same time a bit of an upgrade.
The block colours were okay on the original paint job so this was really just an exercise in ‘tarting up’.
Oldhammer folk will recognise them as Citadel/Games Workshop miniatures.


A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all visitors to the Warchest.
May 2017 feel like a lick of fresh paint for you as well!
25 yrs make a big difference, sometime I look at my old models & wonder I had done them or not :):):)
Great work , keep it up
I know what you mean. Then you literally reflect back and recall that specific time, years before, when you sat and slaved over that particular mini. I can sometimes remember the painting process. It’s a bit like Time Travelling for Miniature Painters. Then I cringe at the results as I see them today…
Nicely done! Very good job of touching up an older paintjob. I’ve a few I suppose I ought to give a little love. This makes me feel as though they might be salvageable. 🙂
Maybe it’s my age, but I increasingly believe that ALL old things are salvageable 😉 .. with a little love 😉