Category Archives: Of Gods and Mortals (OGAM)

A fantastical take on Faustus Furius chariot racing

Many moons ago I had the pleasure of joining Tim and a host of other gamers at the Falkirk District Wargames Club for what was a rip-roaring and hilariously fun game of Faustus Furius;

“Faustus Furius is a fast and furious, tongue in cheek table-top racing game based very loosely around the chariot races of the ancient world and adaptable to any racing situation.

Designed for 2-8 participants, it allows players to pit chariots from any culture or period against one another in a no-holds-barred race to fame and glory.”

Not too long after I decided to paint up a few fantasy based chariots that would compliment those I already had in various armies or collections. The aim was to have a enough races and types to provide for a large game. As I’ve not been able to make the club in a long time nothing has come of this as yet, but here in the wings are the competitors. All 15mm except the Snotling Pumpwagon which is scale neutral if you look at it the right way 😉

Option for the Orcs and Elves to run as teams could be an interesting play.  15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative ArmiesDemonworld Thain Chariot15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies 15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies 15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative ArmiesRal Partha High Elf Chariots (OOP I think)15mm Fastus Furius Fantasy chariots demonworld Ral Partha Alternative Armies Continue reading A fantastical take on Faustus Furius chariot racing

Magnetic Mutli-basing for Individually Based Miniatures on Variable Sized Bases!

I remain stumped with how best to approach multi-basing 15mm for Hordes of the Things (HotT) and DBA whilst still retaining individually based miniatures. A future, and no doubt longer and inconclusive, post will follow at some point on that specific subject.

However, not all game systems are quite so tight on the basing criteria. A recent foray in to Of Gods and Mortals (OGAM) by Ganesha Games is pretty flexible on both size and shape of unit bases. So a few experiments based on magnetic bases with regards to HotT led me to try something similar.

The brief:

  • Flexible for various base sizes (infantry on washers, pennies and steel-paper based squares, cavalry on steel-paper based rectangles and tuppences or washers – i.e. all with magnetic properties).
  • Flexible enough that casualty removal is an option and unit sizes can vary yet still ‘look’ okay.
  • Strong enough magnetically that miniatures can be transported on the unit bases (which is also based with steel-paper for transporting in file boxes lined with magnetic sheets).

In the end I made two sizes. The one pictured is the larger and can accommodate around 8 cavalry or 12 or so infantry. The smaller is about half the size. Note – these are for “Open Order” troops in OGAM. I have the rectangular 60mm x 40mm (and other depths) for “Close Order” units (see Future Post regards HotT/DBA basing…).

What do you think?

I also think it’ll be good for the likes of Dragon Rampant and SAGA in 15mm.

Demonworld 15mm centaurs magnetic basing Demonworld 15mm centaurs magnetic basing Continue reading Magnetic Mutli-basing for Individually Based Miniatures on Variable Sized Bases!

Barbarians and Empire: 15mm Demonworld reinforcements arrive

I remain a big fan of the Demonworld 15/18mm range of fantasy miniatures (and still have a few kilos to paint up) available from Ral Partha Europe. Since they started selling individual models I have been plugging a few gaps in my collection. In the future I’ll be supporting my gaming friend Sam at 15mm Skirmish Supplies who shares my passion for a) Demonworld b) 15mm scale c) skirmish level games in 15mm where duplicates are not desired. He has launched a store selling skirmish packs from a range of manufacturers including Demonworld. Kudos.

Below is a mix of barbarian and Empire types I finished not too long ago. In both cases these are reinforcements for existing warbands already profiled somewhere else on this blog.

15mm 18mm Demonworld fantasy miniatures ral parth europe 15mm 18mm Demonworld fantasy miniatures ral parth europe 15mm 18mm Demonworld fantasy miniatures ral parth europe 15mm 18mm Demonworld fantasy miniatures ral parth europe 15mm 18mm Demonworld fantasy miniatures ral parth europe Continue reading Barbarians and Empire: 15mm Demonworld reinforcements arrive

No Half Measures: 28mm Haflings from Stonehaven

I’d been in the process of buying a few Oathsworn dwarfs and the odd halfling when I stumbled across this Kickstarter from Stonehaven Miniatures. Having a soft spot for vertically challenged fantasy races I jumped on board for the full pledge option.

They all arrived safely sometime ago and the miniatures live up to the promises. But, as all those suffering from leadpileanitus can vouch, it can take a while before those ‘planned projects’ see the light of day.

Such remains true for this halfling horde. However, I did take a brush to one of the rather ‘large’ stretch goals – the Treant. “This massive Old Growth Treant (Tree Troll) has been awakened…and he’s not a morning person! Model will measure 65mm to the eyes and will be cast in high-detail resin.” And it is large. The casting was pretty clean and he was good fun to paint. A few pics with some scale comparison shots.

Treant Ent Magical Living Tree Earth Elemental 28mm Stonehaven Mminiatures Fantasy Continue reading No Half Measures: 28mm Haflings from Stonehaven

Mini Update: A Mini Medley of Randomness

It gets to that point where there is an eclectic mix of miniature photos in the media library that don’t quite link together or really warrant an entire post on their own (for whatever reason the questionable logic that is my reasoning deems the case).

So forgive the randomness in advance.

First up – I’m pretty sure this Kali-inspired monster goddess is from old-school Games Workshop. I’ve had her long enough waiting for a paint job. I was going to paint her in tandem with the Reaper Bones inspired Kali I did a while back but didn’t. A slight move in style towards, but by no means complete, NMM painting style. I wanted a strong red tone to stand out so thought I’d try an understated black armour to contrast. A bit heavy on the armour highlights.Games Workshop Kali Deamon Demon miniatureGames Workshop Kali Deamon Demon miniature

Next to GW LotR Theoden for scale.Games Workshop Kali Deamon Demon miniature Games Workshop Kali Deamon Demon miniature Continue reading Mini Update: A Mini Medley of Randomness