Category Archives: Micropanzer Wargame Studio

More Terrain Mat experiments, Prang and Desert Felt…eh?

Warning – image heavy post here. Illustrating a few things here (but kinda got snap-happy on this post to be honest).

In the pics below:

Terrain Mat (Flag Material)
Following the success of some Vinyl Terrain Mat printing via PixartPrinting, a subsequent sale came along for printed Flag Fabric. This made me think of what I’d read about Cigar Box cloth mats and some others that manufacturers were starting to produce.

Well, I had various art files floating around and thought I’d take a punt as it was only a few pounds to get these printed and shipped from Italy. The desert terrain mat in the pictures below are one of the ‘mats’.

Terrain mat flag material felt fields 15mm Prang vs Rogue Star Motley Crew of Spacefarers and TroublemakersI’ll maybe do a longer post about this in due course should I take pics of the other two “Flags” (one was Heroic Maps Frost Ruins and the other a larger town layout based of Dave Graffam art) but in brief, here are the conclusions;

  • cheap
  • light-weight, perhaps too light, but light enough that hills etc can be placed with some effect underneath
  • slightly transparent, which also means a loss in vibrancy of colour and saturation
  • as you can see from some of the closer images, there is a pattern to the fabric but to be honest, this is not really visible in situ and not really a deal breaker for me

Over all – a bit mixed. Not as overwhelming successful as the vinyl mats but certainly usable.

The Prang make an appearance
I had promised photos of these guys to Gavin at Age sometime ago. They’ve been done for a while but not photographed. These are not the ‘mini’ photos – they were handy while messing with the table – but they featured quite effectively I think in this desert environment. Proper pics to follow GBS, and Eli, promise. I think they turned out quite well. Continue reading More Terrain Mat experiments, Prang and Desert Felt…eh?

The Red Berets from Micropanzer – 15mm sci fi

I’ve been away on holiday with rather poor internet connectivity so the blog went on the back burner for a bit. Back now with a batch of figures all painted up waiting to get photographed (better than previous efforts I hope). I still have a bit of a backlog which includes these chaps from Micropanzer. I’m not 100% sure on the status of Micropanzer but trading has ceased for the time being and I think I made a big order (with big discount) just before shop shut.

As a result I can’t properly identify which codes or troops these are but they are clearly near-future types sporting fine (red) berets. A Google search would suggest they are SAS troops. Overall I really like Micropanzer models – the only gripe I have is the tendency to re-purpose a lot of body sculpts (and therefore poses and weaponry) across different troop types and forces. Continue reading The Red Berets from Micropanzer – 15mm sci fi

Micropanzer Amakudari Scout Squad 15mm

Whilst I’ve been in the hobby for some time, it is only more recently that I’ve taken 15mm to heart as a scale. Whilst familiar with most of the suppliers in the market, for some reason Micropanzer had never really come on to my radar – until recently that is. His recent 50% blow-out advertised on TMP caught my attention and a sizeable order was sent and kindly received at an extremely generous discount (though the tax man still got his cut at this end!).

Most of them are still in lead-state at the moment but I had to bump these chaps, the Amakudari Scout Squad, to the top of the painting queue. My son was recently playing a lot of “Destiny” on the PS4 and these guys struck a chord with the type of styling seen in that game.

As I often do, rather than a military theme, I’ve seen these more as a desperate group of nomadic desert/savannah dwelling hunter types that would easily be at home in a proper sci fi or post-apocalypse setting. With the “Destiny” inspired detailing, one or two of these could be added to some mercenary crew as ravager or scout types. Basically, really flexible and cool miniatures!

The big question though is what is happening with Micropanzer at the moment? Like I said, I’m new to this particular market and do not know if Jason’s announced hiatus and the closing of the shop is either common, long-lasting or otherwise. Jason, or anyone that knows, that sees this – please let me know.

Micropanzer Amakudari Scout Squad 15mm Continue reading Micropanzer Amakudari Scout Squad 15mm