A while back I was dipping in to painting up some more of the fine miniatures from the Conan Board Game from Monolith/Mythic. I though I’d select some of the undead troops and characters in case they proved useful as double duty in some other skirmishy/warband game.
This first one is an odd sculpt and I’m not that keen on it but it does look a bit better once painted. Continue reading Rise of the Undead: Conan the Board Game →
It gets to that point where there is an eclectic mix of miniature photos in the media library that don’t quite link together or really warrant an entire post on their own (for whatever reason the questionable logic that is my reasoning deems the case).
So forgive the randomness in advance.
First up – I’m pretty sure this Kali-inspired monster goddess is from old-school Games Workshop. I’ve had her long enough waiting for a paint job. I was going to paint her in tandem with the Reaper Bones inspired Kali I did a while back but didn’t. A slight move in style towards, but by no means complete, NMM painting style. I wanted a strong red tone to stand out so thought I’d try an understated black armour to contrast. A bit heavy on the armour highlights.
Next to GW LotR Theoden for scale. Continue reading Mini Update: A Mini Medley of Randomness →
Always dabbling in other options for toy soldiers, not least options in plastic which tend to be hit or miss. Here are a few of my latest findings.
First up ‘Hercules’. This first one is effectively a 20mm plastic playing piece from Age of Mythology. I’d painted up a few of the Egyptian themed minis from this set a while back and some other Greek mythos before that.
I’ve also mentioned the High Heavens Kickstarter that I backed (and finally received). I picked one at random to paint up and it was the ‘Hercules’ character (that’s why I chose to paint up 20mm version above at the same time).
As with all plastics of this kind (quite soft compared to most wargaming plastics) removing flash was a real bore and less than 100% effective. Both painted up okay though. Options abound as uses as Demi-God heroic scale minis alongside 15mm mortals.
I’ve more to report on the High Heavens miniatures at a later date (pics of bent over Gods, hot water treatment, de-flashing tantrums, painting options, etc).
Continue reading Fantastic Plastic revisited: Little Gods →
I was in one of those moods where I just fancied painting a few random miniatures and testers. I had a few barbarians to do – Copplestone, Splintered Light and TTG I think (the rubbish female – I wondered if paint would resurrect an otherwise underwhelming miniature – it didn’t).
Also pulled off the shelf were some ‘experiments’. A Reaper Bones warrior, a trio of Egyptian undead from the Age of Mythology board game and a demon from some other board game which I forget the name of at the moment (I don’t have that or AoM, figures bought as sprues). Also a repaint of a toy from my son’s more youthful days. I thought it would make an interesting creature. Remain a bit too cartoon like for my tastes though.. Continue reading In the Sandpit: Playing with scales and mini sources. →
A good while back I picked up some of Reaper’s Bones plastic miniatures – mainly because I was curious as to how good they were for the price. And how they painted up. Below is a Beholder, 28mm. But for me, he’s a proper size 15mm kick-ass monster (forgive the blurry photo).
Conclusion on Reaper Bones?
- Detail not as crisp as lead/resin.
- Flash is a real pain to remove
- Some bendy swords and weapons to correct
- Paint “fine”
- Price vs Quality Sacrifice: B-
Miniature figure collector and painter (in that order) and solo wargamer whose opponent has lost his gaming mojo