These are Blood Dawn 15mm black orcs. Particularly butch.
Category Archives: 15mm
Green Skins, part 1
These form part of a large warband intended for Song of Blades and Heroes (SoBH). A great simple and quick system which I’ve yet to fully explore. This lot are Demonworld sculpts. All 15mm.

Some Demonworld Miniatures
Copplestone Castings 15mm Fantasy. Wow!
These 15mm miniatures are some of the finest I’ve had the pleasure of slapping some paint on. They are from Mark Copplestone of Copplestone Castings. Go buy some now.
These are the Northern Character pack. Still to paint up are Barbarian Characters, Snow Trolls, Dwarven Command and some Shapechangers/Bears. The only other 15mm miniatures I have seen that match this quality are those from Demonworld. Thankfully they are back in production!