Category Archives: Rebel Minis

Pangalatic Legion has Landed: PF sculpts from Rebel Minis

Recent painting has primarily been focussed on fantasy and/or ploughing through several of the big miniature boardgames acquired via Kickstarter over the last few years. However my fondness for 15mm sci-fi remains as does my appreciation for the work of PF.

Several years ago I made it a bit of a mission to collect up 15mm sci-fi that PF has sculpted – no mean feat as he has worked for various manufacturers over the years in the US, UK and elsewhere. At  the time I managed to hunt down most of the available offerings but have not as yet managed to complete them all.

I did however, spurred on by a fellow 15mm sci-fi fan’s work on the 15mm Sci-Fi Gaming Facebook group, get around to painting these fine examples of PFs work. Amongst my favourites. (If you want to see other PF sculpts that I have painted search with the tag Sculptor PF Collection.)

They are the Pangalactic Legion available here from Rebel Minis in the US. A organised mercenary force made up of numerous (albeit all humanoid) aliens, bursting with fine detail, a lot of character and some great poses.

Painting-wise I was looking for a UN type of colour scheme but I’m not convinced that painting the guns white works or not – they look unfinished at a glance. Anyways.

First Squad

15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic Legion 15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic Legion 15mm Sci-fi Rebel Minis Pangalactic LegionNote: One of the heavy weapons is an interloper from Rebel Minis ‘Scourge’ range – needed him to balance up the squad sizes and still avoid duplicates. Continue reading Pangalatic Legion has Landed: PF sculpts from Rebel Minis

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

Anyone that has dabbled in 15mm fantasy miniatures in recent years will be aware of the splendid barbarians produced by the excellent Mark Copplestone. Alongside the rather larger Demonworld range, these are easily amongst my favourite miniatures. Indeed, one of my earliest posts to this blog was  inspired by a round of painting some of these up.

Years later and I have gotten around to a couple of the other packs I picked up from Mr Copplestone when he was still selling these directly – the range is now available from Northstar.

Featured here are
FM01 – 15mm Barbarian Heroes
FM08 – 15mm Shapechangers and Cave Bears
As the sharper readers will have noticed there are no Cave Bears below. I painted them up previously and can be seen here. Pictures below are ‘alternatives’ for these shapechangers – the three larger ones are from Rebel Minis and the smaller one from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Little point of note – it has come to my attention that Angel Barracks who formerly produce some very fine 6mm stuff has turned his attention to 15mm Conan and has started to create an impressive range. Should that be your area of interest I suggest you pay him a visit. I will be at some point when painting queue permits. Crom’s Anvil.

Hope they provide a source of inspiration for your 15mm Conan gaming or Barbarian Hordes.

15mm Copplestone Barbarian Conan Barbarica Norse Warriors Continue reading 15mm Copplestone Barbarian Reinforcements

From out of the Rad-Desert come the Sahadeen: 15mm from Rebel Minis

Continuing with the re-balance of fantasy vs sci-fi on this blog I present to you some Rebel Minis “Sahadeen” forces. It will come as no surprise that the desert style troops would also happily fit in to a barren post apocalyptic setting as well – it is not a coincidence.

2 squads of 8 should be plenty for the types of games I like.

Rebel Minis Sahadeen 15mm Sci-fi post apocalypse desert fightersRebel Minis Sahadeen 15mm Sci-fi post apocalypse desert fighters
And all together now…Rebel Minis Sahadeen 15mm Sci-fi post apocalypse desert fightersHappy gaming, be it post apoc, sci-fi or whatever takes your fancy.

For the Love of Sci-fi! I have not forgotten you…

Looking over my more recent past posts you would think that I’d lost my love of 15mm Sci-fi. Not true. But is has taken a bit of a back seat.

So more recently I dug out a bunch of post apocalyptic “ganger” figures with a view to preparing them for a Gaslands type thing (I say Gaslands as it seems to be the Mad Max offering all are going for at the moment though they could easily be used for any similar rules set). I’ve not got a copy of said rules yet but they do seem to be doing very well and stirring up interest in this genre once again. All good.

Anyway, as I looked at these I thought they’d do equally well as Reaver-types as well (see Firefly) hence I went with a more uniformed black colouring. I resisted covering them in blood and such at this stage so that they would be good for the likes of Gaslands too and I think they work out quite well.

Between the dozen, half are “Crazed Gangers” from Splintered Light Miniatures and the other half are “Post Apoc Gangers” from Rebel Miniatures (same sculptor?) but I can’ recall for sure as I did buy them a very long time ago and can’t see them on the site.
15mm Firefly Reavers Post Apocalypse Bad Guys Continue reading For the Love of Sci-fi! I have not forgotten you…

Men in Black meet Bond meet Zombicide meet Yakuza

I’d painted up these fine gentlemen from Rebel Minis a few months ago. What are they? Take your pick from;

  • Men-in-Black
  • Mr Smiths (the Matrix)
  • 70’s Gangsters (or Reservoir Dogs)
  • Yakuza
  • Government agents

Link to Rebel Minis site

15mm gangsters yakuza pulp modern men-in-black miniaturesIn other words, quite useful for any kind of sinister type in a modern period. Having said that, not entirely sure WHERE I was going to use them! (Fistful of Kung Fu in 15mm?) Continue reading Men in Black meet Bond meet Zombicide meet Yakuza

Those About to Die: 15mm Gladiators

This is one of those pipe-dream-projects that has actually taken a step forward! I’ve always been interested in the ‘Gladiator’ thing and quite interested in playing games based around the arena.

I picked up some rules a while back from 2 Hour Wargames – Red Sand Black Moon – Fantasy Gladiatorial Combat then the historical (original?) version Red Sand Blue Sky. Skimmed through but never played – typical scenario.

Anyway, nothing was ever going to happen without some little men so I picked up a set from Rebel Minis and followed them up with a host from Museum Miniatures when I deemed ‘4’ did not offer enough choice. 15mm of course.

15mm Gladiators Arena Rex warriors Rebel Minis Museum Miniatures
15mm Gladiators from Rebel Minis

Now these Gladiators are not comparable to the likes seen with the new Arena Rex which are very impressive. But, not wanting to sound tight (I’m not, really), this gives you nearly thirty Gladiators for less than the price of 1 Arena Rex miniature. I like the Rebel Minis ones quite a lot. The Museum Miniatures are a bit of a mixed bag – some okay, some meh, some bleh. But then, if you don’t love your mini, you don’t mind when they die in the arena!

Various ‘arena’ ideas and stalled terrain projects have yet to produce a definitive playing area for the games themselves. But that will come.

Here are the Museum Gladiators – pack of 24 with 12 sculpts for £7.50 (duplicates not painted and not included).

15mm Gladiators Arena Rex warriors Rebel Minis Museum Miniatures
15mm Gladiators from Museum Miniatures
15mm Gladiators Arena Rex warriors Rebel Minis Museum Miniatures
15mm Gladiators from Museum Miniatures
15mm Gladiators Arena Rex warriors Rebel Minis Museum Miniatures
15mm Gladiators from Museum Miniatures

And here is one of the many Fantasy Gladiators  from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Splintered Light 15mm Reptilian Gladiator Splintered Light 15mm Reptilian Gladiator