Talisman Board Game in 15mm

Talisman: In 15mm!

As the 15mm fantasy collection grows it occurred to me, for no other good reason than it would be fun, that I could proxy in some 15mm versions of the classic Talisman board game characters. I was about to paint a set of the originals so figured I’d be using the same colour palettes…

So for fun, Talisman in 15mm (alongside their big brothers and sisters). Miniatures are a mix of Splintered Light and Demonworld in the most part. I think the Monk is an Essex miniature.

Some of the proxies are a better match than others. If you have any suggestions as to better matches I’d be glad to hear them.  (Note to self: should have taken a group shot.)

Talisman Board Game in 15mmTalisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm Talisman Board Game in 15mm

3 thoughts on “Talisman: In 15mm!”

  1. As usual, your paint skills are fantastic! Was was wondering who made the two female characters. The one with the big staff looks like a Splintered Light dark elf figure, but I am not sure about the one who’s holding the orb.

  2. Thanks both!
    Chris, they are both SLM. I’m not sure where the orb carrying character is from on the SLM site though. She, along with sooo many others, came from buying some army sets of SLM from Rebel Miniatures which was a no-brainer for me to get a truck load of character models. Worth checking out if 15mm dungeon bashing is on your radar – http://rebelminis.com/mightyarmies.html

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