20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf

The Dwargs arrive! or 20mm Splintered Light Dwarves

Time for more dwarf-goodness. I love my dwarves, nearly as much as Tim loves his.

This is a bit of a scale comparison though that arose out of the desire to have a full 12-dwarf shooter contingent should I get round to playing Dragon Rampant at any point soon.

I’ve already got an ‘army’ but they are based around some old Pendraken 10mm dwarves which, if you’ve seen them, actually scale pretty well as normal size dwarves in true 15mm (they are about 10-12mm tall). Plenty of shooters there.

However, they do not scale so well with Demonworld or other more generously proportioned dwarves which meant I was short a few shooters. I thought I’d paint up a few of the 20mm dwarves I recently (a year ago) bought from Splintered Light. Terrific miniatures but obviously a bit larger than 15 or even 18mm.

Anyway, here is a rogues gallery and you can be your own judge as to if these fellas can stand alongside their other brethren or not.

20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
2 chaps from the Demonworld Empire range.
20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
LtoR: SLM 20mm, TTG 15mm, Demonworld 15mm, Peter Pig (? I think) 15mm.
20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
The 3 ‘ranger’ shooter types from Splintered Light miniatures
20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
The 3 ‘ranger’ shooter types from Splintered Light miniatures

20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
The 4 ‘heavy’ shooter types from Splintered Light miniatures
20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
The 4 ‘heavy’ shooter types from Splintered Light miniatures
20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf
I was messing around with the Song of Blades and Heroes online warband builder and took a set of photos of the heavy shooters to do as profile images. I’m going to test this method further because it really worked capturing the detail (and errors). On an iPhone no less.

20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf 20mm Splintered Light Miniatures Dwarf 20mm Splintered Light Miniatures DwarfFrom the scale comparison shots they are clearly ‘beefier’ in style to other dwarves on the market. I’m in a mind to class them as a new type of mountain dwarf or something – “Dwargs” or similar, where high altitude, lots of fresh air and a healthy diet of mountain goat have resulted in a genetically larger being.

The range as a whole are brilliant. The heavy crossbowmen above are probably the weakest of the bunch (and they are not weak in the slightest). I’m looking forward to painting up the rest of the Dwargs.

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