I’m at a loss to where to take these exactly. They are a few testers of a larger force. They ended up blue by default because I’d loaded an airbrush with blue for something else, had left over, and just sprayed them as they were near by. A ‘near-by spraying’?
As you can see, 3 of them are assault troops with shields and hand weapons. I can’t for the life of me decide what (if anything) I should paint on their shields or other markings for that matter. Mental block.
Any suggestions?
FYI. These are old miniatures no longer available for legal reasons (I believe). Once upon a time produced by The Scene. Their current range of ‘Wasteland’ warriors are echoes of some Space Ork sculpts also once available (and in my possession to be painted). 15mm 40k anyone?
Hi Jimboba, very familiar with 15mm 40k, they look great, do you have enough of these for a force? Maybe unintentional, but you have chosen Crimson fist colours, so maybe some Crimson fist iconography on the shield, or some Latin/Greek designs, laurels, thunderbolts, checks, or marine tactical symbols, or as it’s 40k you can never have to many skulls
Hi Dan – have 20, all unique variants. T0 me that equals 3-4 squads. I well know you are the master of 15mm 40k stuff – great work there – but I don’t know if I want to stamp these 40k hence my silly indecision. If I can I try and deviate from the ‘obvious’. I’ve a few little big men shield transfers for Greek hoplites left over which I might use….
Hmm, not sure if those Wasteland Warrior are really good standins for Orks. Vanguard Miniatures just brought out some 15mm ‘Skinnerz’ which might work better as 15 ork proxies: http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/defeat-in-detail/15mm-skinnerz/
You mean the ones from The Scene I mention? I think they are very Gorkamorka personally. I’ve yet to paint mine but did pick some 2nd hand ones up painted and they look spot on to me. (I don;t mean the ones you can see on their site at the moment btw to be clear).
The Vanguard ones look great too – they’d actually go well with the Scene ones. I’ll be picking some up once my self-imposed ‘no buying’ embargo lifts.
Not my pic or minis – just to be clear on which I’m referring to;

Click for Big Pic – http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PoGNND304IA/TLGt0I9k1OI/AAAAAAAAFws/HIlZKQCPeT4/s1600/IMG00049-20101010-0805.jpg
Thanks for the tip.